Assuming you already have ESLint installed, run: #npmnpm install eslint-plugin-react-hooks --save-dev#yarnyarn add eslint-plugin-react-hooks --dev Legacy Config (.eslintrc) If you are still using ESLint below 9.0.0, please continue to userecommended-legacy. To avoid breaking changes, we...
eslint-plugin-react/prefer-stateless-functionallows class components that implement any methods or properties other thanrender. This rule is stricter and prevents the use ofanyclass components. Thisopen issueexplains the limitations ofprefer-stateless-functionand the motivations for this plugin. Why didn...
在编写React项目时,使用ESLint插件可以帮助我们遵循最佳实践,提高代码质量和可读性。 eslint-plugin-react包含了很多规则,下面将介绍其中一些常用的规则。 1. react/jsx-uses-react (error):强制检查JSX代码中是否导入了React库。在React 16.14.0版本之前,我们需要在每个文件中显式地导入React库才能使用JSX。这条规则...
如果环境中已经安装了Node.js和npm,接下来可以尝试使用npm安装eslint-plugin-react-hooks模块。打开你的命令行工具(如cmd、PowerShell、Terminal等),切换到你的项目目录下,然后执行以下命令: bash npm install eslint-plugin-react-hooks --save-dev 这个命令会将eslint-plugin-react-hooks作为开发依赖安装到你的项...
未指定React版本可能导致的问题 如果在ESLint-plugin-react设置中未指定React版本,可能会导致以下问题: 警告和错误:ESLint-plugin-react可能会无法正确地报告与特定React版本相关的问题。这可能会导致一些警告或错误被忽视,从而影响项目的质量。 // 未指定React版本 ...
npm i -D eslint-plugin-react-refresh Usage This plugin provides a single rule,react-refresh/only-export-components. There are multiple ways to enable it. Recommended config importreactRefreshfrom"eslint-plugin-react-refresh";exportdefault[/* Main config */reactRefresh.configs.recommended, ...
As eslint does not automatically import the preset config (shareable config), you explicitly do it by yourself.const reactRecommended = require('eslint-plugin-react/configs/recommended'); module.exports = [ … reactRecommended, // This is not a plugin object, but a shareable config object …...
React specific linting rules for ESLint. Contribute to wongwingho/eslint-plugin-react development by creating an account on GitHub.
eslint-plugin-react/lib/types.d.ts Version: 863 BTypeScriptView Raw 1 import eslint from 'eslint'; 2 import estree from 'estree'; 3 4 declare global { 5 interface ASTNode extends estree.BaseNode { 6 [_: string]: any; // TODO: fixme ...
npm i -D eslint-plugin-react-refresh Usage This plugin provides a single rule,react-refresh/only-export-components. There are multiple ways to enable it. Recommended config importreactRefreshfrom"eslint-plugin-react-refresh";exportdefault[/* Main config */reactRefresh.configs.recommended,]; ...