:“document.write是eval的一种形式”, ‘eval is evil.’:“尽量不要使用eval”, “Math is not a function.”:“Math不是一个函数”, “Missing ‘new’ prefix when invoking a constructor.”:“此处缺少了’new’”, “Missing radix parameter.”:“缺少参数”, “Implied eval is evil. Pass a ...
console.log(window) // 'window' is not defined.eslintno-undef console.log(document) // 'document' is not defined.eslintno-undef 可以看到,当我们在项目代码中使用 window 时此时 EsLint 会提示 window 未被声明。 我们可以通过指定env配置来告诉 EsLint 当前项目支持的运行环境,从而可以使用当前环境下...
*/"env":{"browser":true,//如为 false 或不配置, 在js文件中出现 window, document 等 游览器API 全局变量时,会提示 'is not defined' 警告"node":true,//如为 false 或不配置, 在js文件中出现 require, exports等 NODE API 全局变量时,会提示 'is not defined' 警告"es6":false,//如为 false 或...
module.exports={root:true,parserOptions:{ecmaVersion:'latest',},rules:{'no-undef':['error'],// 设置允许使用未声明的全局变量},};// index.jsconsole.log(window)// 'window' is not defined.eslintno-undefconsole.log(document)// 'document' is not defined.eslintno-undef 可以看到,当我们在项...
“Line breaking error ‘{a}’.”:“换行错误 ‘{a}’”, “Unexpected use of ‘{a}’.”:“此处不能用’{a}’”, “Bad operand.”:“错误的操作数”, “Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.”:“使用isNaN来与NaN比较”,
xxx/Study/eslint-demo/plugins/src/demo1.js1:1error'document'is not defined no-undef2:1error'fox'is not defined no-undef ✖2problems(2errors,0warnings)➜ eslint-demo git:(v0.0.1)✗ 可以看到,eslint直接报错了,说“document”跟“fox”变量找不到。
error 'window' is not defined no-undef 如果在这种场景下需要绕过 eslint 检查,可以在 globals 配置中允许使用 window // .eslintrc.js module.exports = { globals: { window: true } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 这样就可以绕过对 window 的检查 ...
webpack compiled with 1 error 在setting.json中的配置:{ "prettier.configPath": "/Users/yangqing/.prettierrc", // 安装Prettier配置 "eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true, "prettier.trailingComma": "none", "prettier.semi": false, // ...
Reasons for error reporting: The naming of components is not standardized. According to the official style guide of eslint, in addition to the root component (app.vue), the user-defined group The part name should be composed of multiple words (using the naming method of big hump or conne...