whyyouarequalifiedtotalkaboutthistopic.”“Alongtheway”isanexpression weusetomean“asyouaredoingsomething.”Thipressionisoftenused whenwearetalkingabouttraveling.“ImgoingtodrivefromLosAngelestoSan Francisco,andalongthewayImgoingtostopatFresnotovisitmyfriend.” ...
English grammar, English usage and other questions about English Zero or First... by emile May 14th, 2023 12:29 am 784 3,512 ESL Games and Activities (9 Viewing) Free ESL games and activities. Find a great classroom game or post your favorite teaching activity. PATCHWORK - A vocab ga...
Let’s talk more about travel Imagine you have time and money to travel to New York City from where we live in Utah, and you have the option of traveling by bus, train or plane. First of all, what could be the benefits of each one, and which would you choose in the end? Aubrey...
Such lessons for intermediate to advanced learners include pre-listening learning tasks, key vocabulary, a video, comprehension questions, and post-listening discussion topics. I have about 100 of these so far, and I have many more videos ready to be turned into engaging lessons. Develop More ...
以及 (2)2,200 yuan/year of traveling allowance2200元/年旅游补贴。可知,每个月6,000元。一年共72,000元,加上2,200元的差旅费共计74,200。故选C.(2)A.推理判断题。根据待遇的第四条Free accommodation:An apartment with two bedrooms,two living rooms,one kitchen and one bathroom with things like ...
STUDENTB’sQUESTIONS(DonotshowthesetostudentA) 1)Whatspringstomindwhenyouheartheword‘travel’? 2)Areyouatraveller? 3)Istravelaneducation? 4)Wouldyouliketotravelinspaceortothemoon? 5)Wouldyouliketoworkinthetravelindustry? 6)Whataretheprosandconsoftravelingfirstclassandbackpacking?
6. Traveling opens your mind. True or False 7. Traveling makes you feel alive. True or False 8. Traveling helps you see things in a new way. True or False Frequently Asked ESL Questions About The Travel Bug What is the travel bug?
In the Content Questions Board Game game kids answer content questions like What do seeds need to grow? Word Skills Game A great word skills game with extensive support materials for teaching kids how to talk about words. Rhyming Riddles This section contains rhyming riddle worksheets that can ...
“origins” — meditates on the meaning of home, the joy of traveling and the serenity of standing still. Useful Vocabulary Undergraduate educationI’m very much of the United StatesStraightforwardEncircledCoincidenceLiberationEnmityBlack and white divisionsIntriguedCritical decisions Comprehension Questions ...
English as a Second Language Podcast www.eslpod.com ESL Podcast 253 – Traveling by Train COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. a) b) c) How will Katerina decide between coach and business class? It will depend on whether there are sleeping cars. It will depend on the price. It will depend on the...