10)ElizabethDrewsaid:"Toooftentravel,insteadofbroadeningthemind,merelylengthenstheconversation."Whatdoesthismean?Doyouagree? --- TRAVELDISCUSSION STUDENTB’sQUESTIONS(DonotshowthesetostudentA) 1)Whatspringstomindwhenyouheartheword‘travel’? 2)Areyouatraveller...
Conversation Questions Conservation Corporate Responsibility Correction Activities Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetics Countries Credit Cards Crime Current Events and News Cyber-Bullying D Dancing Danger Dark Dating Death Dentists Diana, Princess of Wales Diets Digital revolution Dinosaurs Disability Discrimination Discussions...
LESSON PLAN :The Price of Happiness: On Advertising, Image, and Self Esteem (SOURCE: mediasmarts.ca) CONVERSATION QUESTIONS 1 (SOURCE:iteslj.org) CONVERSATION QUESTIONS 2 (SOURCE: esldiscussions.com) Levi’s Engineered Jeans were promoted in 2002 in “Odyssey”, a TV commercial that has come...
and interviews. You will have to choose what picture best corresponds with the audio, answer questions based on the conversation with your own responses and multiple choice, and finally choose what statements are true/false based on the conversation. For part 2 and 3, the audio will be played...
I fell in love with the beautiful island. Taiwan is so much more than a high-tech urban jungle that exports products to the U.S. And Canada; it’s a multi-faceted nation that will appeal to the mostadventurous of travelers. But first—let’s talk about teaching/living here and what ...
The USA is a huge, varied nation, with famously friendly locals you’ll easily be able to strike up a conversation and make fast friends with in no time. If you’re looking to spend time in this incredible country while also building your skills and learning something new, an English lang...
Have a chat about the topics you liked. For more conversation, change topics and partners frequently. 3. MONEY:With your partner(s), talk about these money idioms. Are they true? money is the root of all evil time is money money makes the world go round ...
How do women use yea in conversation? Similar to men, women use “yea” in casual conversations to express agreement or confirm understanding. However, it’s essential to remember that the usage of “yea” and “yeah” does not significantly differ based on gender, as both men and women us...
t say assistance if you can say help. Don’t say numerous if you can say many…. Don’t call someone an individual [five syllables!]; that’s a person, or a man or a woman…. Don’t say anything in writing that you wouldn’t comfortably say in conversation. Writing is talking to...
Learn how to give self-introduction in English withvideo lesson. About Latest Posts Liam Daniel At 7ESL, we use advanced AI to help people learn English. Our tools and resources make it easier to speak and write well, supporting learners at every level. ...