merelylengthenstheconversation."Whatdoesthismean?Doyou agree? Hundredsmorefreehandoutsat.eslDiscussions --- TRAVELDISCUSSION STUDENTB’sQUESTIONS(DonotshowthesetostudentA) 1) Whatspringstomindwhenyouheartheword‘travel’? 2) Areyouatraveller? 3) Istravelaneducation? 4) Wouldyoulike...
With our ESL conversation questions written students will apply their knowledge of the English language and strengthen their speaking skills. After all, students learn how to speak English best through practice, practice, practice.
Travel ESL Conversation Questions Where would you like to go on your next holiday? What's the best way to find deals on travel? If you had to immigrate to another country, where would you go? Why? What is the stereotype of your nation's citizens? Do you prefer active or relaxing holid...
Conversation Questions Intermediate: If you found $20,000, what would you do with the money? Where would you go on vacation if you had a lot of money to spend? Have you ever been on a staycation? What are some advantages of staying home for your vacation instead of traveling? If ...
Explore a wide range of ESL/EFL teaching resources including engaging worksheets, interactive games, and innovative conversation activities designed to inspire and motivate teachers and students.
Conversation questions Writing prompts that are ideal for homework.In short, everything you need to do a speaking lesson for teenagers, university students or adults in style! Have a look here at one of the best things to do in an ESL class for adults: Travel English Conversation Lesson Plan...
Making vacation or travel arrangements includes flights, hotels, and tours. Listen to this conversation on the topic to plan your vacation.
Thought-provoking prompts and questions are essential to build student confidence in the English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. Learn how teachers can engage ESL students with relevant advanced conversation topics. ESL: Advanced Conversation Topics Depending upon the students and type of Englis...
14,180 discussion and conversation questions for speaking practice. 709 FREE ESL lesson plans, handouts, worksheets and downloads. Controversial and mainstream topics.
#6: Travel English Conversation Lesson Plan One of the best ways to give our students lots of practice with W or H style of questions is to give them a conversation lesson like this one on travel and let them get to talking with each other!