Escape Room: Directed by Adam Robitel. With Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Jay Ellis, Tyler Labine. Six strangers find themselves in a maze of deadly mystery rooms and must use their wits to survive.
Sort of! The “Escape Room” psychological horror movie series is a fictionalized account of an escape room adventure. First released by Sony in 2019, the first film features a group of contestants who compete for a major cash prize in a terrifying series of escape rooms. The sequel “...
Five other players help her solve the series of puzzles (really, the movie should be calledEscape Rooms, orXscape Roomzif this were a circa-2000 “urban” horror movie), all the while eyeing the prize for themselves: schlubby grocery store worker Ben (Logan Miller), scarred vet Amanda (De...
“Escape Room,” a new PG-13-rated horror film, is a sometimes diverting, but overly familiar series of set pieces in search of a good melodrama. There’s not much of a plot: six disposable protagonists try to solve a series of inter-connected puzzles, and death is the penalty for fai...
horror movie. InEscape Room, several victims expecting a high-end version of their favorite pastime are duped into participating in elaborate, killer puzzles created by a mysterious gamesmaster. One by one, they succumb to the escape room’s deadly traps in this less gory, PG-13 rated ...
This film is a horror/thriller hybrid that mixes in adventure concepts. A cold open shows us one unlucky individual in Ben (Logan Miller) desperately trying to escape a room with its walls literally closing in. See full article at
導演: Adam Robitel 編劇:Bragi F. Schut,Maria Melnik 片商:哥倫比亞電影製作 光碟發行日:Apr 23, 2019 宣傳標語:沒有宣傳標語。 電影預告 & 劇照(7) 劇情簡介 Escape Room is an upcoming 2019 American science fiction psychological horror thriller film directed by Adam Robitel and written by Bragi F...
a high-intensity oven to an upside down pub with a vanishing floor. Each room is a compelling creation that is mined for maximum tension by Robitel, with this being a movie that will be capable of inducing serious sweaty-palmed stress in even the most jaded and experienced of horror ...
Escape Room is an entertainingly cheesy and surprisingly innovative B-movie, but suffers when it turns its attention to setting up future sequels. Escape Roomis the latest horror-thriller from director Adam Robitel and the first since his prequel,Insidious: The Last Key, hit theaters almost exa...
Escape Room Verona: Phobos escape room è il primo Horror Real Game in Italia. Sei ambienti unici in un unico gioco dove cercare la strada per uscire. Prenota online!