Escape Room: Directed by Adam Robitel. With Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Jay Ellis, Tyler Labine. Six strangers find themselves in a maze of deadly mystery rooms and must use their wits to survive.
Escape Room – The Movie There’s an escape room movie? Sort of! The “Escape Room” psychological horror movie series is a fictionalized account of an escape room adventure. First released by Sony in 2019, the first film features a group of contestants who compete for a major cash prize...
“urban” horror movie), all the while eyeing the prize for themselves: schlubby grocery store worker Ben (Logan Miller), scarred vet Amanda (Deborah Ann Woll), trucker Mike (Tyler Labine), geeky escape room guru Nik (Danny Khan) and yet another black character playing against type: Jason...
Charlie Cox’s Daredevil Now Appears To Have Been Confirmed For Appearance In The Next Avengers Movies 12/30/2024 Tyler Labine TVLine Items: Cobra Kai Vet Joins For All Mankind, Castlevania: Nocturne Return Date and More ...
Escape Room “Escape Room,” a new PG-13-rated horror film, is a sometimes diverting, but overly familiar series of set pieces in search of a good melodrama. There’s not much of a plot: six disposable protagonists try to solve a series of inter-connected puzzles, and death is the ...
horror movie. InEscape Room, several victims expecting a high-end version of their favorite pastime are duped into participating in elaborate, killer puzzles created by a mysterious gamesmaster. One by one, they succumb to the escape room’s deadly traps in this less gory, PG-13 rated ...
than an hour if you’re actually good at the game – is somewhat beyond the means of the average freelance journalist. So the closest I’ve ever come to this world is spending my Sunday evening watching Adam Robitel’s new horror movie, which is somewhat unimaginatively titledEscape Room....
Iffy ending aside,Roomoffers decent horror fare. It never re-invents any wheels but it delivers enough thrills to satisfy. Escape Roomappears in an aspect ratio of approximately2.40:1on this Blu-ray Disc. The movie boasted a pleasing image. ...
Escape Room is an entertainingly cheesy and surprisingly innovative B-movie, but suffers when it turns its attention to setting up future sequels. Escape Roomis the latest horror-thriller from director Adam Robitel and the first since his prequel,Insidious: The Last Key, hit theaters almost exa...
and logic of it echoes Worth's (David Hewlett) nihilistic attitude and, ironically enough, perhaps if the others had followed suit, there wouldn't even be a movie to film. The Escape Room Genre Meets Social Experiment Horror in 'Cube'...