One day, she burst into my room to put a newspaper clipping in my hand for a city program in Japan. It paid for a majority of the 2-week program. With my mother’s help, I was accepted into the program where I met some life-long friends and allies in Japan. If she hadn’t ...
Anti-CD160 antibodies H3 and H4 monoclonal antibodies (mAb; muIgG1) were generated by immunization of mice with a recombinant dimeric sCD160 protein. Recognition of an His-tagged sCD160 fusion protein by ELISA was used as criterion of selection. H3 mAb was further characterized as able to rec...
(nlolnogngaixtuisd/inshaol vrtieawxi:sa≈rcu1a.5te) dark lines in X-sectional view SLamonegsietduidmineanlt viniesiwd:eubnubrrroawncahseodu, tcsyidlien:dnroicfaelcatul bpeesllets unless present also in sediment outside burrow Usually occur in clusters with long axes of burrow X-sections...
IInn ccoonnvveennttiioonnaall aattttiittuuddee ccoonnttrrooll,, tthheeggiimmbbaallaanngguullaarrvveelloocciittyy iinnppuutt ttoo tthhee SSGGCCMMGG ssyysstteemm iiss ccaallccuullaatteedd bbyy ssoollvviinngg tthhee ffoollloowwiinngg sstteeeerriinngg llaaww ffrroomm tthhee ttoorrqquuee ...
the interest in AuNPs for drug delivery purposes has increased tremendously, not Iinn rtheceelnetasytebaresc,atuhsee itnhteeirreostpitnicaAlupNroPpsefrotiresdrcuogulddeblieveursyedpuinrpoorsdeesr htoasoibntcarienasspedatitore-tmemenpdooraulslyly, ncootnitnrotlhleedledaesltivbeercyauosfecathrgeoir....