areadingroom=aroomforreading阅览室 ahidingplace=aplaceforhiding藏身处;3.现在分词作定语表示主动的,通常是正在进行的动作;而过去分词作定语表示被动的,通常是已完成的动作。 单个的分词作定语,往往放在被修饰词前面;分词短语作定语置于被修饰词后面。
PAGE Unit 23 ConflictPeriod SixGrammar单元语法一强调结构:倒装句和分裂句It语法图解语法感悟单句语法填空1Here comes come the manager you want to see.2Ben
(1)常接动名词作宾语的动词有:mind,suggest,enjoy,admit,appreciate,avoid,delay,dislike,escape, finish,forgive(宽恕),imagine,keep,miss,practise,resist,risk,deny,consider等。 Isuggestdoingitinadifferentway. 我建议用另一种方法做这件事。 (2)常接动名词作宾语的动词短语有:devoteto,feellike,lookforwardto...
(1)anarrowescape九死一生;死里逃生 anarrowvictory险胜 (2)narrowthegapbetween...and...缩小……与……之间的差距/隔阂 (3)narrowlyadv.勉强地,以毫厘之差 ?Hehasanarrowcircleoffriends.他交友不广。 ?Hehadanarrowescapewhenalargestonerolleddownfromthehillsuddenly.一块大石头突然从山上滚下来,他险些被砸到...
The bike needs _(repair)speakingdevotingto findwaitingrepairing/to be repaired151.只接只接v-ing作宾语的常见动词作宾语的常见动词avoid, miss, put off; advise, finish, practise; enjoy, imagine, cant help; admit, deny, envy; escape, risk, excuse; stand, keep, mind.太多了,怎么记呀?太多了,...
rt o f the Mendi ps-e-combines the cha rm a nd dignit y of a bygone age with m od ern comforts, centra l heating a nd every re creational fac ility, inc lud ing a ha rd te nnis co urt , cro q ue t law n, miniatu re go lf co u rse a nd a n indoor games room ....
②I saw him enter the room.?He was seen to enter the room. 我看见他进了房间。外研版英语 必修⑤ 第三课时 Module 3 Adventure in literature and the cinema 注意(b):省略to的不定式作宾补表示动作已经完 成;现在分词作宾补表示动作正在进行。 ①He saw a boy get on the bus. 他看见一个男孩上...
Th is phenomenon in turn fi nds its internal temporality in an experience of a “so phrasiert”, an experience from which the previous features of logical articulatedness have left room for a sequence of beats. Wittgenstein is interested in measuring time with beats26, in other words in “...
If the room is full of smoke, crawl on the floor. Shout, "Fire!" and call for help. Phone the fire department or 10111. Put a wet cloth over your nose and mouth to prevent breathing in smoke. Wrap yourself in a blanket to prevent getting burnt. Use water or sand to put out a ...
: 0 He was carried out of the room. (past simple passive) :J This gate has just been painted. (present perfect passtve) . l U . ts see n1 42- 44 Irregular verbs When the past simple and past pa rt iciple do not end in -ed (for exa m ple, I saw I I have seen), the ...