npm i -D esbuild-loader 🚦 Quick Setup To leverageesbuild-loaderin your Webpack configuration, add a new rule foresbuild-loadermatching the files you want to transform, such as.js,.jsx,.ts, or.tsx. Make sure to remove any other loaders you were using before (e.g.babel-loader/ts-...
Node.js loader for compiling TypeScript modules to ESM. Latest version: 2.6.5, last published: a year ago. Start using @esbuild-kit/esm-loader in your project by running `npm i @esbuild-kit/esm-loader`. There are 27 other projects in the npm registry usi
npm i -D esbuild-loader 🚦 Quick Setup To leverageesbuild-loaderin your Webpack configuration, add a new rule foresbuild-loadermatching the files you want to transform, such as.js,.jsx,.ts, or.tsx. Make sure to remove any other loaders you were using before (e.g.babel-loader/ts-... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 于此,初步确定两个优...
先npm i esbuild-loader --dev 然后在webpack的生产环境的配置文件里面 const{ESBuildPlugin,ESBuildMinifyPlugin}=require('esbuild-loader'); 以及 module:{rules: [{test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, loader: 'esbuild-loader', options:{loader:'jsx',target:'es2015',jsxFactory:'React.createElement',jsxFragme...
目前代码已经开源到 这个 github 上, 同时 也发了 npm 包 github 地址 如下: 感兴趣的小伙伴, 可以 试一试 玩一玩, 欢迎👏🏻提bug 给我 职业 改bug 哈哈哈。后面还会分享的内容如下 如何打包一个 合格的 npm 包 基于storybook 的组件库 技术搭建 ...
虽然Vite内部已经集成了esbuild,但如果您需要确保项目中其他工具或插件能够使用esbuild,可以通过npm或yarn来全局或局部安装esbuild。不过,对于Vite项目来说,这一步通常是多余的。 2. 配置Vite以使用esbuild(Vite自动完成) Vite的配置文件中(通常是vite.config.js或vite.config.ts),您不需要显式地添加任何与esbuild...
1 # esbuild-loader 2 3 Speed up your Webpack build with [esbuild](! 🔥 4 5 [_esbuild_]( is a JavaScript bundler written in Go that supports
npm i -D esbuild-loader🚦 Quick SetupTo leverage esbuild-loader in your Webpack configuration, add a new rule for esbuild-loader matching the files you want to transform, such as .js, .jsx, .ts, or .tsx. Make sure to remove any other loaders you were using before (e.g. babel-...
1.缺少必要的包 2.按照提示 node \node_modules\esbuild-loader\node_modules\esbuild\install.js 3.执行完成 npm start 成功