npm i -D esbuild-loader 🚦 Quick Setup To leverageesbuild-loaderin your Webpack configuration, add a new rule foresbuild-loadermatching the files you want to transform, such as.js,.jsx,.ts, or.tsx. Make sure to remove any other loaders you were using before (e.g.babel-loader/ts-...
vue2 tsx jsx for esbuild-loader. Latest version: 1.0.2, last published: 8 months ago. Start using vue2.7-jsx-esbuild in your project by running `npm i vue2.7-jsx-esbuild`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using vue2.7-jsx-esbuild.
先npm i esbuild-loader --dev 然后在webpack的生产环境的配置文件里面 const{ESBuildPlugin,ESBuildMinifyPlugin}=require('esbuild-loader'); 以及 module:{rules: [{test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, loader: 'esbuild-loader', options:{loader:'jsx',target:'es2015',jsxFactory:'React.createElement',jsxFragme...
install $ npm i -D esbuild-loader Quick Setup module.exports={module:{rules:[-{-test:/\.js$/,-use:'babel-loader',-},+{+test:/\.js$/,+loader:'esbuild-loader',+options:{+loader:'jsx',// Remove this if you're not using JSX+target:'es2015'// Syntax to compile to (see opti...
npm i -D esbuild-loader 🚦 Quick Setup To leverageesbuild-loaderin your Webpack configuration, add a new rule foresbuild-loadermatching the files you want to transform, such as.js,.jsx,.ts, or.tsx. Make sure to remove any other loaders you were using before (e.g.babel-loader/ts-...
首先本地安装 esbuild,执行npm install esbuild命令,此命令会将 esbuild 安装到你本地的node_modules,node_modules里面会有个esbuild的原生可执行文件 执行./node_modules/.bin/esbuild可以看到esbuild的好多命令,也可以执行./node_modules/.bin/esbuild --version可以查看我们安装的esbuild的版本是0.14.2 ...
统计出耗时比较大的几个loader: 复制 Vue-loadereslint-loaderbabel-loaderTs-loader,Thread-loader,cache-loader 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 一般而言, 代码编译时间和代码规模正相关。 根据以往优化经验,代码静态检查可能会占据比较多时间,目光锁定在 eslint-loader 上。
第三行它提示你需要使用一个loader来处理图片这种类型的文件,这时,我们只需把file-loader装上,并在webpack.config.js中添加相应配置就ok了。 ① 输入命令安装file-loader npm i -D file-loader 1. ②在webpack.config.js中的rules数组中添加file-loader的相关配置 ...
import*asesbuildfrom''constts ='let test: boolean = true'constresult =awaitesbuild.transform(ts, {loader:'ts'})console.log('result:', result) esbuild.stop() It has basically the same API as esbuild's npm package with one addition: you ...
1 # esbuild-loader 2 3 Speed up your Webpack build with [esbuild](! 🔥 4 5 [_esbuild_]( is a JavaScript bundler written in Go that supports