1. 解释"dynamic require of 'esbuild' is not supported"这个错误的含义 这个错误信息意味着在某种环境下(通常是构建工具或打包工具中),动态地通过require函数加载esbuild模块是不被支持的。在许多现代JavaScript项目中,特别是使用Webpack、Vite、Rollup等打包工具时,为了提高打包效率和性能,通常会预先分析模块的依赖关...
🐛 bug 描述 开启 targets: { ie: 11, },报错 📷 复现步骤 | Recurrence steps config 开启 targets: { ie: 11, }, 🏞 期望结果 | Expected results 正常编译 💻 复现代码 | Recurrence code // https://umijs.org/config/ import { defineConfig } from '@umijs/ma
🐛 bug 描述 yarn build 📷 复现步骤 | Recurrence steps $ max build Hello PRO Using openapi Plugin info - Umi v4.0.11 error - jsMinifier: esbuild is not supported when there is ie in the targets, you can use jsMinifier: 'terser' fatal - Error: IE ...
Another alternative is touse theesbuild-wasmpackage instead, which works the same way on all platforms. But it comes with a heavy performance cost and can sometimes be 10x slower than theesbuildpackage, so you may also not want to do that. ...
181 esbuild **does not** type check your code. And according to the [esbuild FAQ](https://esbuild.github.io/faq/#:~:text=typescript%20type%20checking%20(just%20run%20tsc%20separately)), it will not be supported. 182 183 Consider these type-checking alternatives: ...
esbuilddoes nottype check your code. And according to theesbuild FAQ, it will not be supported. Consider these type-checking alternatives: Using an IDEs likeVSCodeorWebStormthat has live type-checking built in Runningtsc --noEmitto type check ...
报错如下 关键信息:Error: The package "@esbuild/darwin-arm64" could not be found, and is needed by esbuild. 解决:控制台运行 node node_modules/esbuild/install.js 再次执行 npm run dev 成功
If features not supported by the synchronous API are required, e.g. support for plugins If the default version constraints foresbuildare not suitable To use a version of esbuild that is installed by any other means thannpm, including Docker ...
[vite] Internal server error:options.devServer.transformWidthEsBuild is not a function... Vite2.x升级Vite3.x报错这段信息 解决办法: 除了升级Vite本身,最好还是要升级package.json中devDependencies 开发依赖中Vite涉及的所有插件,比如@vitejs/plugin-vue,@vitejs/plugin-legacy等等 ...
Dynamic require of "./category-page.module-7XEIW7T3.js" is not supported For this particular error, the piece of code in my source that causes the issue is: { path: 'category', loadChildren: () => import('./category/category-page/category-page.module').then(m => m.CategoryPageModule...