1. 解释"dynamic require of 'esbuild' is not supported"这个错误的含义 这个错误信息意味着在某种环境下(通常是构建工具或打包工具中),动态地通过require函数加载esbuild模块是不被支持的。在许多现代JavaScript项目中,特别是使用Webpack、Vite、Rollup等打包工具时,为了提高打包效率和性能,通常会预先分析模块的依赖关...
🐛 bug 描述 yarn build 📷 复现步骤 | Recurrence steps $ max build Hello PRO Using openapi Plugin info - Umi v4.0.11 error - jsMinifier: esbuild is not supported when there is ie in the targets, you can use jsMinifier: 'terser' fatal - Error: IE ...
esbuild: Dynamic require of "./app.module-CHKXMOKU.js" is not supported #26332 New issue ClosedDescription Burgov opened on Nov 11, 2023Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug?compiler-cliIs this a regression?NoDescriptionI've been trying to migrate to esbuild for a ...
Another alternative is touse theesbuild-wasmpackage instead, which works the same way on all platforms. But it comes with a heavy performance cost and can sometimes be 10x slower than theesbuildpackage, so you may also not want to do that. ...
esbuilddoes nottype check your code. And according to theesbuild FAQ, it will not be supported. Consider these type-checking alternatives: Using an IDEs likeVSCodeorWebStormthat has live type-checking built in Runningtsc --noEmitto type check ...
181 esbuild **does not** type check your code. And according to the [esbuild FAQ](https://esbuild.github.io/faq/#:~:text=typescript%20type%20checking%20(just%20run%20tsc%20separately)), it will not be supported. 182 183 Consider these type-checking alternatives: ...
报错如下 关键信息:Error: The package "@esbuild/darwin-arm64" could not be found, and is needed by esbuild. 解决:控制台运行 node node_modules/esbuild/install.js 再次执行 npm run dev 成功
If features not supported by the synchronous API are required, e.g. support for plugins If the default version constraints foresbuildare not suitable To use a version of esbuild that is installed by any other means thannpm, including Docker ...
[vite] Internal server error:options.devServer.transformWidthEsBuild is not a function... Vite2.x升级Vite3.x报错这段信息 解决办法: 除了升级Vite本身,最好还是要升级package.json中devDependencies 开发依赖中Vite涉及的所有插件,比如@vitejs/plugin-vue,@vitejs/plugin-legacy等等 ...
Fixes #537 In #526 we introduced a log message that esbuild's bundle: true is not supported. We messed up because it is actually the complete opposite. We don't support bundle: false. This PR flips the logic.