1. 解释"dynamic require of 'esbuild' is not supported"这个错误的含义 这个错误信息意味着在某种环境下(通常是构建工具或打包工具中),动态地通过require函数加载esbuild模块是不被支持的。在许多现代JavaScript项目中,特别是使用Webpack、Vite、Rollup等打包工具时,为了提高打包效率和性能,通常会预先分析模块的依赖关...
Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? compiler-cli Is this a regression? No Description I've been trying to migrate to esbuild for a while now, but I keep getting stuck on this issue: everything builds fine, but anyrequirestatement in my code (for example for lazy...
After trying @angular-devkit/build-angular:browser-esbuild I have encountered this errorUnhandled Promise rejection: Dynamic require of "./app.module-3ONOK62U.js" is not supported ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: Dynamic require of "./app.module-3ONOK62U.js" is not...
import type { Options } from 'tsup' export const tsup: Options = { splitting: false, sourcemap: false, clean: true, format: ['cjs', 'esm'], dts: true, entryPoints: [ 'src/index.ts' ], external: [ 'vite', 'webpack', 'rollup', 'esbuild', ], define: { __DEV__: 'false...
ts-node error [err_require_esm]: require() of es module ts not supported. Instead change the require of index.js in [redacted] to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules. Read more > Importing an ESModule...
may not be suitable for some scenarios. In those cases, it is possible to calculate new values directly using Longitude and Latitude rather than using the X and Y values stored in the file. For my application, which does not require a high degree of geographical p...
For this reason, OVS-DPDK, which does not use the kernel space, is not supported. In RHOSP networking, for the router connecting the load-balancer members to the provider network, the north-south traffic to OVN-octavia VIPs on the provider or the F...
Suggestion: Once the instance is started, the V$ views that read from memory are accessible. Views that read data from disk require that the database be mounted. Warning: Information about the dynamic performance views is presented for completeness only; this information does not imply a ...