The ESADE (pronounced eh-SAH-day) MBA program in Barcelona, Spain, is a great option for applicants looking for a program that requires fewer than 2 years out of the job market but also provides an internship and even an international exchange option. ESADE offers a 12-month MBA, a 15-m...
官网链接: Program Overview IE商学院的国际MBA项目是在西班牙马德里的世界领先的全日制MBA项目。这一转型之旅塑造了专业人士和企业家,使他们成为在世界各地产生影响和推动变革的领导者。该项目采取了一种综合和创新的方式进行商业教育,将核心商业知识...
3. Application相关 接着就到了最后选校的问题,Mary知道我还申请了sse和bocconi于是问我选择的标准,我...
官网链接: Program Overview 洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的MBA项目是个性化的领导力开发体验,在为学员配备经典MBA工具包的同时,还无与伦比地强调创业、全球化和数字化。 这个MBA项目是洛桑...
The first step is to register on the website and to complete the online application form. Several documents will be required to be submitted along with the application, which might differ based on the programme the applicant is applying to. Applicant’s CV (If applying for an MBA note that...
Also check at for further information. Closing Date: June 30th Funding: Foundation Contributor: ESADE Foundation, ESCADE MBA scholarship fund No. of awards given last year: 30 No. of applicants last year: ...
的 fran 小姐姐解答关于 career 方面的问题,解答结束之后还一起过去参加了校友小聚餐(好多 MBA Alumni...
Request info / Application See filters CountrySchool / ProgramInformations Canada 1. McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA McGill University - Desautels Faculty of Management / HEC Montréal U.S.A. 2. Executive MBA Yale University - Yale School of Management U.S....
这边的就业资源算是最顶级的。每次打开邮箱都会被新的“Call for Application”冲刷,从大摩高盛淡马锡到...