Studying a Full Time MBA with Esade in Barcelona will change your life. It's an exciting and enriching experience in one of the world's greatest cities.
#6 Full Time MBA, Europe#17 Full Time MBA, worldwide#1 for increased salary, Europe#2 for sector diversity, worldwide#4 for carbon footprint reduction, worldwide View more Tomas Waisman Participant, Esade Fusion Point, CBI 2023 Program and Esade MBA student "As an MBA student, I ...
网申最重要的是essay,我的essay是让一个真实版Sheldon帮我改的,他是Harvard MBA毕业的,native ...
The ESADE (pronounced eh-SAH-day) MBA program in Barcelona, Spain, is a great option for applicants looking for a program that requires fewer than 2 years out of the job market but also provides an internship and even an international exchange option. ESADE offers a 12-month MBA, a 15-m...
ESADE MBA Scholarships Subjects: MBA (12, 15, or 18 months) Purpose: To assist full-time MBA students with tuition fees award high potential candidates. Eligibility: Depending on the scholarship: enroled students: (Fellowships plus Impact); Admitted students: (Direct, Merit and Commitment Scholar...
ESADE商学院Full Time MBA 2014 招生简章 5个100%全额奖学金名额等你拿! @西班牙驻华使馆教育处:ESADE商学院 Full Time MBA 2014 ESADE商学院于1958年...文字版>> http://t...
#EsadeGastrofest2016 PART 1, MBA大家庭有来自超过50个国家的同学组成,大家期待这一天好久啦,辛苦彩排的节目终于要开演啦,隐藏在同学中的大厨也到了一展身手的时候!Gastrofest是一年一度展示各个国家美味菜肴和传统名俗风情的平台,一次尝个遍、看个够!瞧,大家是不是都卯足了劲:) 图二:秘鲁传 ...
IE觉得略贵,而且因为我想读金融,IE的金融是校硕,回国无法认证的……IESE貌似只有MBA ...
感恩分享 想问下楼主最后是拿了多少分的g去申请啊 想申请esade但是verbal比均分低挺多.....