】r=,(墨,…以)+e 当,是线性时,且 fy=五A+五尼+…以展+e {E∽=o I对相某种假设 上面这种结构一般称为线性模型.在一般统计意义上:自变量x不认为是随机 的,而因变量Y则认为是随机的,在实际问题中自变量x也是随机变量的情况 并不少. 本文就是对这一类问题进行讨论.以下我们研究的p(p≥2)为向量.这些...
】r=,(墨,…以)+e 当,是线性时,且 fy=五A+五尼+…以展+e {E∽=o I对相某种假设 上面这种结构一般称为线性模型.在一般统计意义上:自变量x不认为是随机 的,而因变量Y则认为是随机的,在实际问题中自变量x也是随机变量的情况 并不少. 本文就是对这一类问题进行讨论.以下我们研究的p(p≥2)为向量.这些...
Ruiqin Tian,Liugen Xue.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation . 2014 (8)Tian, R. Q. and Xue, L. G. Variable selection for semiparametric errors-in-variables re- gression model with longitudinal data, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 84, 1654-1669, 2014....
R. Gencay, N. Gradojevic, Errors-in-variables estimation with wavelets, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 81 (11) (2011) 1545-1564.Gencay, R., and N. Gradojevic. 2011. "Errors-in-Variables Estimation with Wavelets." Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 81: 1545-1564....
eivreg price weight foreign, reliab(weight .6742) reliability r() too small r(399); Returning to our problem of how to estimate , too small or not, if the measurements are summaries of scaled items, the reliability may be estimated using the alpha command; see [MV] alpha. If the ...
hdme.Rproj Adding back May 9, 2019 README License hdme The goal of hdme is to provide penalized regression methods for High-Dimensional Measurement Error problems (errors-in-variables). Installation Installhdmefrom CRAN using. install.packages("hdme") ...
R Dahlhaus Parameter estimation of stationary processes with spectra containing strong peaks J Franke, et al. (Eds.) (2nd ed.), Lecture Notes in Statistics, Vol. 26, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1984) Google Scholar [5] R.F Engle Band spectrum regression Internal. Econom. Rev., 15 (1974),...
Updated User's Guide for Sammy: Multilevel R-Matrix Fits to Neutron Data Using Bayes' Equations To avoid loss of information (i.e., computer round-off errors) between runs, the ''covariance file'' now includes precise values for all variables. ... NM Larson - 《Office of Scientific & ...
Aigner, D.J. and A.S. Goldberger (Eds.), (1977):Latent Variables in Socio-Economic Models MATH Statistical Confluence Analysis by Means of Complete Regression Systems Geary, R.C. (1943): Relations between Statistics: The General and the Sampling Problem When the Samples are Large. Proceedings...
Gencay, R. and Gradojevic, N. (2011). Errors-in-variables estimation with wavelets. J. Stat. Comput. Sim., 81, 1545-1564.Gencay, R. and Gradojevic, N. (2011), "Errors-in-variables estimation with wavelets", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(11), 1545-1564....