Raboud J. Errors in variables. In: Armitage PC, T, ed. Encyclopaedia of Biostatistics. New York: Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2005.Raboud J. Errors in variables. In: P Armitage editor. Encyclopedia if Biostatistics. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2005, pp. 1748-50....
in_广义线性模型中极大拟似然估计的极限理论研究 热度: in_基于双线性与平方和最优化理论的吸引域估计 热度: ESTIMATl0NOFLINEAR ERRORS—IN—VARIABLES MODELS ZHf心『GHai (Department of Mathemtics, NorthWestUniversit y,Xi’an,710069) Abstract Inthis ...
Common Slope Tests for Bivariate Errors-in-Variables Models 热度: instrumental variables estimation in political science a:政治学中的工具变量估计 热度: 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其 ...
Gencay, R., and N. Gradojevic. 2011. "Errors-in-Variables Estimation with Wavelets." Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 81: 1545-1564. doi:10.1080/00949655.2010.495073.Gencay, R. and Gradojevic, N. (2011). Errors-in-variables estimation with wavelets. J. Stat. Comput. ...
Gencay, R. and Gradojevic, N. (2011), "Errors-in-variables estimation with wavelets", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(11), 1545-1564.Gen¸cay, R. and N. Gradojevic (2011). Errors-in-variables estimation with wavelets. Journal of Statistical Computation and ...
eivreg — Errors-in-variables regression Description Remarks and examples Quick start Stored results Menu Methods and formulas Syntax References Options Also see Description eivreg fits errors-in-variables regression models when one or more of the independent variables are measured with error. To use ...
hdme.Rproj Adding back May 9, 2019 README License hdme The goal of hdme is to provide penalized regression methods for High-Dimensional Measurement Error problems (errors-in-variables). Installation Installhdmefrom CRAN using. install.packages("hdme") ...
In this paper we give a short survey on identification of linear systems where both inputs and outputs are possibly contaminated by noise. Such systems are called errors-in-variables- or latent variables-systems.
The usual assumption in the classical errors-in-variables problem of independent measurement errors cannot necessarily be maintained when the data are time series; errors may be strongly serially correlated, possibly containing seasonal effects and trends. When it is possible to identify frequency bands...
Accruals, Errors-in-variables, and Tobin’sqAccruals, Errors-in-variables, and Tobin’sqStock ReturnEndogenous VariableData Generate ProcessDiscretionary AccrualStock Market ReturnAccrual models are very useful in accounting and finance. They allow the tracking of earnings...doi...