error000539 是 ArcGIS 软件中的一个错误代码,通常出现在使用 Python 脚本或 ArcGIS 工具(如栅格计算器)时。这个错误表明在执行的 Python 表达式中存在语法错误或其他问题,导致工具无法正确解析或执行表达式。 2. 官方文档或技术支持信息 根据提供的参考信息,可以了解到 error000539 错误通常与以下情况相关: Python 表达...
Raster Calculator is only exposed as a geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS or in ModelBuilder. If the user exports a model containing a Raster Calculator expression, it enters arcpy.rcexec() into the script. When the script is run, the 000539 error is encountered. ...
Error 000539 running Raster Calulator Error: ERROR 010067: Error in executing grid expre... error 999999: error executing function, execution ... Weighted Overlay Tool error Raster Solar Radiation Tool Error 010688 Related Tags spatial_analyst analysis spatial analyst gis raster de...
Hello.I was running the following in ARCMap version 10: gp.CalculateField_management(nn_output_file, "patch_area", "[F_AREA]/1000000", "VB", ""), and keep getting the following error:ERROR 000539:Error running expression: [F_AREA]/1000000. Name 'F_AREA' is not defined. Any hint....
ExecuteError: ERROR 000539: Error running expression: fieldT/calculate_mean_value(shape, fieldT) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<expression>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'fieldT' is not defined Failed to execute (CalculateField). Can anyone give m...
El mensaje de error proporcionado indicará el error de Python. Solución Este código de error cubre un número de errores de Python: Ejemplo de error 1: exceptions.TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects. Es un error específico de Python. El cálculo ...
Error: ERROR 000539: Error running expression:rcexec()官方回答是这么说的:When running a Python ...
使用栅格计算器时遇到..使用栅格计算器时遇到ERROR 000539,图片为表达式和运行结果,请问大佬们是哪里出问题了…版本为10.5顶解决了
ERROR 000539: Error running expression: rcexec()Traceback (most recent call last):File "<...