Raster Calculator is only exposed as a geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS or in ModelBuilder. If the user exports a model containing a Raster Calculator expression, it enters arcpy.rcexec() into the script. When the script is run, the 000539 error is encountered. ...
"ERROR 000539: Error running expression: rcexec()"This error is due to Raster Calculator not bein...
I installed ArcGIS Desktop, but I also had the option to install ArcGIS Pro. This issue took place as I was running ArcMap. I used the calculator in the raster calculator for the expressions, I only typed the commas. I don't know how to validate. Thanks. Reply 0 Kudos ...
Also, if you are using ArcGIS 10, you should be using arcpy, not the old arcgisscripting. Unless you have it mapped to the new geoprocessor already. Reply 0 Kudos by ABDALLAMOHAMED 01-09-2012 12:53 PM Mathew..Let me try that and will let you know about the result. Thanks...
5回复贴,共1页 <<返回arcgis吧使用栅格计算器时遇到ERROR 000539,图片为表达式和 只看楼主 收藏 回复 ZHANGSHUQIAO8 托儿所 1 使用栅格计算器时遇到ERROR 000539,图片为表达式和运行结果,请问大佬们是哪里出问题了…版本为10.5 ZHANGSHUQIAO8 托儿所 1 顶 ZHANGSHUQIAO8 托儿所 1 解决了 半世琉璃倾城55 ...
请教下arcgis在执行Spatial analyst tools-extraction-extract values to points时出错,什么原因,谢谢 ...
3 source/class/discuz/discuz_table.php 110 discuz_database::query(%s) 4 source/class/discuz/discuz_database.php 142 db_driver_mysql->query(%s, false, false) 5 source/class/db/db_driver_mysql.php 152 db_driver_mysql->halt(%s, %d, %s) ...
最佳解决方法。工具栏那里有个自定义,自定义里有个扩展模块,点开后,勾选spatial analyst即可。支持...