for i=0;35;这句不知道是什么意思,是不是for i=0:1:35;但r1(i+1)=input要改为r1(i+1)=input('');后面类推 看你的程序,是不是要弄成这样哦?clear x=0:pi/18:pi*71/36;r1=zeros(1,36);r2=zeros(1,36);r3=zeros(1,36);disp('请依次输入θ=0°时的光强');for i=0:...
Error using input Cannot call INPUT from EVALC. Error in LLAB002 (line 48) numericGrade = input('Enter Numeric Grade(0 to 100): '); Here is my code numericGrade = input('Enter Numeric Grade(0 to 100): '); characterGrade = getCharacterGrade(numericGrade); ...
MATLAB输入命令报错,提示"Error using xx(), Too many input arguments",令人困惑不已。查找原因后发现,这通常是由函数名称冲突导致的。当两个或更多函数在路径中具有相同的名称时,MATLAB会调用错误的函数,引发此错误。解决步骤如下:首先,检查当前路径中是否存在与xx()相同名称的其他函数。这可能包...
Error "Error using input The first argument... Learn more about integration, integration numerical
MATLAB Online で開く Ran in: Here is a simple to demo to achieve steady-state errors using two PID controllers. %% State-space system m = 4;% mass of the system g = 9.8;% gravitational force A = [0, 1, 0, 0; -g/m, 0, 0, 0; ...
参考链接:Matlab 常见错误Error using xxx Too many input arguments. 代码运行报错,原因有可能是因为函数名称冲突,如果函数名称冲突,可以试试以下命令: >> which chi2cdf -all G:\Program Files\MATLAB R2020a\toolbox\mvgc_v1.0\utils\stats\chi2cdf.m ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 My code works fine on the first pass but when I press the button a second time I get an error. answer is a local variable so is undefined until it's used both times str ="Default Name"; answer = inputdlg("Enter a Name","New Name",... ...
Error using ==> str2num Requires string or character array input. Matlab总遇到一些神奇的问题,让人摸不着头脑。昨天编写程序的时候遇到一个让我十分火大的问题,也是自己的matlab基础不好吧。 先描述一下问题,再GUI界面有个listbox,Tag属性是’listbox1’,里面是这样的数据,我的目的是要把这些数据转换成数值类...
Error using InputOutputModel/subsref (line 43)... Learn more about tf(), transfer function, error using inputoutputmodel/subsref (line 43) subscript no. 2 is out of range.
运行后没有出现错误提示,建议程序还是分行写,另外为防止变量复用引起的错误,最好清一下 clear all close all clc t=0.9;r=50;R=1596e-6;L=1550e-9;c=3e+8;n=1.546156;o=[0:0.001:10];P=(((1-t)^4)*exp(2*r))./(1+(t^4)*exp(4*r)-2*(t^2)*exp(2*r)*cos(2...