1. OSError: socket is closed 错误的含义 该错误意味着你尝试在一个已经被关闭的套接字上执行读、写或其他操作。在套接字编程中,套接字是一种用于网络通信的端点,一旦套接字被关闭,任何试图通过它进行通信的操作都将失败,并抛出 OSError: socket is closed 错误。
error:this socket is closed 错误:指定的接口已经关闭
paramiko遭遇socket.error:Socketisclosed错误的解决办法似乎是connection⾃⼰断了解决的办法是在创建conn的时候添加下⾯这句 conn.keep_this = conn_session 完整代码 def create_a_conn(ip_addr, port, username, password):'''creat a conn to router using paramiko.SSHClient()'''conn_session = ...
完整代码 defcreate_a_conn(ip_addr, port, username, password):''' creat a conn to router using paramiko.SSHClient() '''conn_session = paramiko.SSHClient() conn_session.load_system_host_keys() conn_session.connect(ip_addr, port, username, password, look_for_keys =False, allow_agent =F...
I upgraded to Windows 10 Build 14352 (Insider Preview Fast Ring) overnight and it appears to have broken npm in some way. For any command (such as npm help): events.js:160 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: This socket is clos...
Internal error: client socket is closed: VIRL 1.5.145 ESXI Getting error when attempting to start a simulation with more than 4 nodes. At this time, I'm only working with the IOSv and IOSvl2 devices. The error is(ERROR) [Mar/14/2018 16:07:02] Node "iosv-2" state ch...
Running "imagemin:dynamic" (imagemin) task Verifying property imagemin.dynamic exists in config...OK Files: img/Death_star1.png -> build/img/Death_star1.png Options: interlaced, optimizationLevel=3, progressive Fatal error: This socket is closed. ...
//由Socket对象得到输出流,并构造PrintWriter对象 BufferedReader is=new BufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); //由Socket对象得到输入流,并构造相应的BufferedReader对象 String readline; readline=sin.readLine(); //从系统标准输入读入一字符串 ...
my real problem is i am gettingSocket Closederror for following code but this is used by other process easily so socket is open for sure `const newman = require(‘newman’); const SocksProxyAgent = require(‘socks-proxy-agent’); ...