在确认NASM已正确安装后,重新运行之前的配置命令(可能是./configure或其他类似的命令),以检查错误是否已解决。 按照以上步骤操作后,您应该能够解决“configure: error: no nasm (netwide assembler) found”错误,并成功配置您的项目。如果问题仍然存在,请检查您的环境变量设置或联系项目维护者以获取更多帮助。
This happens when trying to build the turbojpeg dependency as an "internal" dependency. Maybe this could be added under "Setup the required external library."
configure: error: no nasm (Netwide Assembler) found 原因:未安装nasm 解决方法: 1.先判断系统是否已经安装了nasm nasm -version 如果显示NASM version... ,则已经安装;如果无显示:,则未安装。 2.下载nasm软件包 wget https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.13.03/nasm-2.13.03.tar.gz 3.解压...
Was yasm or nasm found on your PATH? Type in which yasm or which nasm in the Terminal. Afterwards, check their versions by running yasm --version or nasm --version. Do not be afraid to use Homebrew to get the latest versions. yasm/nasm is required for ffmpeg to be more efficient. If...
NASM Program error Hi I tried to create a asm code which will just print "My name" and "id". ; To assemble and run: ; nasm -f bin -o boot.bin boot.asm ; dd if=boot.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 ; (replace /dev/sdb with the appropriate device file for your USB drive)...
@TOC 前言在编译FFmpeg时,可能会遇到诸如“ERROR: avisynth/avisynth_c.h not found”这样的错误。这通常意味着...
What happens if you temporary put the expected ‘;’ beforetypedef? What is the first error displayed? Friday, November 20, 2009 10:50 AM Try to give the usual tagStructName, like in C and see what's happen. Il saggio è quello che sa di non sapere ...
big-endian no runtime cpu detection yes standalone assembly yes x86 assembler nasm MMX enabled yes MMXEXT enabled yes 3DNow! enabled yes 3DNow! extended enabled yes SSE enabled yes SSSE3 enabled yes AESNI enabled yes ... #中间省略1万字 ...
nvidia: found command: python3. nvidia: found command: virtualenv. nvidia: found command: mono. nvidia: found command: aarch64-linux-gcc. nvidia: Creating Python virtual environment in /home/csp/nvidia_source/uefi_lxh/nvidia-uefi-r35.2.1/venv... Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/local...
解决办法一 apt install libsdl2-dev # apt install libsdl1.2-dev 1. 2. 3. 解决办法二 这种情形是自己编译的。编辑ffbuild/common.mak,修改如下: # NASM requires -I path terminated with / IFLAGS := -I/home/quantum6/lib-build/include/SDL2 -I. -I$(SRC_LINK)/ ...