主要是LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量设置的问题,默认是搜索64位的路径,而有些程序在32位和64位下面是相同的名字,因此,这时,如果不改变 这个搜索路径,就会报上面的错误, 解决办法: 办法一.设置LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH即可。 办法二. 也可以修改lib目录下的 libnjni9.so.文件名为其他名字....
安装完ORACLE 后,启动netca时报错:Error loading native library:libnjni9.so 解决方案: 在$oracle_home下查找libnjni9.so文件,有两个 $oracle_home\lib\libnjni9.so $oracle_home\lib32\libnjni9.so 把第一个文件改名为libnjni9.so.bak就可以启动netca了...
when runs at x86 32bit, it's fine. but at x64 64bit, server.start() throws System.IO.IOException: Error loading native library "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\servers\server1\grpc_csharp_ext.x64.dll". var server = new Server(rpcOptions) { Services = { HealthCheckService.BindService(ne...
I am not sure whether this is a supported use case, but it has been working just fine in .NET 5 for us, I ended up updating everything to .NET 6 and gui.cs is breaking on loading native library, strangely it doesn't seem to mention which...
When running my Xamarin.Android app, I receive the following message: Java.Lang.IllegalStateException: 'Error getting native address of native library: task_vision_jni' This occurs on the following line: ObjectDetector objdetector =…
UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: <library name> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: get at oracle.net.common.NetGetEnv.get(Native Method) at oracle.net.config.Config.getNetDir(Unknown Source) at oracle.net.config.Config.initConfig(Unknown Source) at oracle...
tries to load another instance of the native, shared library, and fails, so in effect I have to restart Glassfish every time I make even the smallest change. This is clearly not sustainable, and I don't believe that people who develop J2EE apps haven't found a way around this issue. ...
Error loading shared library libbz2.so.1: No such file or directory (needed by /opt/java/openjdk/jdk 本地使用的是Oracle JDK17版本使用没有问题,在线上服务器使用的是自己做的eclipse jdk17版本时报这个问题,后面换了多种办法,软连接方式将lib库引入简直是无底洞一样,俄罗斯套娃一层套一层,这时候机会有...
While Installing Oracle Database on Linux x86-64 Linking Errors Occur and NetCA/DBCA Fail with Error: "UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: njni10" (Doc ID 308788.1) Last updated on FEBRUARY 13, 2023 Applies to: Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version to 11.1....
最终通过修改其安装 Homebrew 的脚本 code 指令后,越过了"/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/" 验证这一环节,因为如上所说,在安装 Xcode 的同时它自身已经将其安装成功,故直接跳过此重新验证的步骤,直接执行后续操作. 在具体操作前,先说两个注意事项: ...