J. Weldon, Jr., as his coauthor, Professor Peterson has extensively rewritten his material. The book contains essentially all of the material of the first edition; however, the authors state that because there has been so much new work published in error-correcting codes, the preparation of ...
The general algorithm to find an error location polynomial is the Berklekamp-Massey algorithm described in Chapter 9 of Error Correcting Codes by Peterson and Weldon, MIT Press, second edition (1972). Once the error location polynomial is computed, the error location is calculated using Chien's ...
Generally the decoding procedure for binary BCH codes includes three major steps, which is shown in Fig. 9. Step 1: Calculating the syndrome S. Step 2: Determining the coefficients of the error-location polynomial. Step 3: Finding the error location using Chien Search and correcting the erro...
�ShortTheoryofConvolutionalCodes �TreeandTrellisRepresentations �ViterbiDecoding �ApplicationExamples AndreasSteffen,28.8.2000,EEC.ppt3 Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur Error-CorrectingCodes Literature �Error-CorrectingCodes,SecondEdition �W.WesleyPeterson&E.J.Weldon �MITPress,1972,560pages �...
$7.75W.W.PetersonError-Correcting Codes1961Mass. Inst. Technol. Press and WileyNew Yorkxdoi:DOI: 10.1016/S0019-9958(61)80059-4James H. GriesmerELSEVIERInformation & Control
corrected by decoding at the receiving end. Errors may also occur when a coded message is recorded in a storage unit, such as magnetic disc, or when a recorded message code is read. Various systems, employing various self-correcting codes, exist for detecting and correcting data transmission ...
Peterson72, Peterson, W., Weldon, E.: Error-Correcting Codes, 2nd edn. MIT Press (1972) Google Scholar Ulf Nordqvist, Thesis:Protocol Processing in Network Terminals, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linkopings Universitet, SE-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden (2004) ...
W. W. Peterson, “Error-Correcting Codes” inCambridge, M.I.T. Press,1965. Google Scholar I. S. Reed, G. Solomon, “Polynomial Codes over Certain Finite Fields”,Journal of SIAM, Vol. 8, June 1960. Google Scholar S. Sakata, “Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting ...
Chapter14 Someerror-correctingcodesand theirapplications J.D.Key 1 14.1Introduction Inthischapterwedescribethreetypesoferror-correctinglinearcodesthathave beenusedinmajorapplications,viz.photographsfromspacecraft(firstorderReed- Mullercodes),compactdiscs(Reed-Solomoncodes),andcomputermemories(ex- tendedbinaryHa...
5299208Enhanced decoding of interleaved error correcting codes1994-03-29Blaum et al.371/38.1 5241546On-the-fly error correction with embedded digital controller1993-08-31Peterson et al.371/37.1 5228046Fault tolerant computer memory systems and components employing dual level error correction and detection...