因此, 作者想使用错误更正码(error-correcting codes)来解决上述问题。将机密讯息用错误更正码来编码, 无疑也会增加要嵌入的 … leestego.blogspot.com|基于22个网页 2. 错误纠正码 ...老师) a.介绍密码(cryptography):错误纠正码(error-correcting codes)、 试验设计码 (pooling design codes)等码的原理 b.介...
3. 线性码(Linear codes) 生成矩阵的定义:对于码长为n的线性码 F_q^n ,如果由其内部一个k维的子集,即可表示其中所有码元,则这个码记为一个 [n,k]_q码。如果他最小码距为d,则可记为[n,k,d]_q码。若C是一个 [n,k]_q码,则其生成矩阵为G\in F^{n\times k}_{q} ,其生成矩阵的k列即可表...
Such methods are called error-correcting codes or error-control codes (ECC). This chapter denotes both data transmission (in space) and a data storing (transmission in time) mechanism called a channel. The maximum average mutual information possible for a channel is called the channel capacity. ...
Baylis, J. Error Correcting Codes: A Mathematical Introduction. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1998.Berlekamp, E. R. Algebraic Coding Theory, rev. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.Brouwer, A. E.; Shearer, J. B.; Sloane, N. J. A.; and Smith, W. D. "A New Table of Constant ...
V.S.Pless,W.C.Huffman,“Fundamentalsoferror- correctingcodes,”Cam-F.J.MacWilliamsandN.J.A. Sloane,“Theoryoferror-correctingcodes,”parts. severalfamiliesofsuchcodesandnotonlycodeswithspecificparameters.Additionally,several differentcorrectingcodes(QECC,forshort)andasymmetricquantumerror-correctingQuantum ...
ErrorCorrectingCodes 2 PartI.Introductiontocodingtheory 3 Planfortoday: 1.Syllabus,logistics 2.Modelofacommunicationsystem 3.BinarySymmetricChannel 4.Codingforerrorcorrection 5.Notationandlanguage Digitalcommunication:Computernetworks,wirelesstelephony,data ...
and correcting errors. Reliability is, in a sense, the opposite of data compression since it is achieved byincreasing data redundancy. Nevertheless, many practical situations call for reliable data, so a good data compression program should be able to use codes for increased reliability, if ...
But now, IBM scientists published the discovery ofnew codes1that work with ten times fewer qubits. Practical error correction is far from a solved problem. However, these new codes and other advances across the field are increasing our confidence that fault tolerant quantum computing isn’t just...
This work presents a unified account of all the mathematical techniques used to date. It is presented in an intelligible manner and is designed as both introductory textbook for the beginner and reference book for the expert engineer and mathematician. The book is divided into sections which can ...
(On the number of points of a curve over a finite field; application to error-correcting codes). Perret, M.: Sur le nombre de points d'une courbe sur un corps fini; application aux codes correcteurs d'erreurs, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 309 (1989), 177-182.M. Perret, Sur ...