Error connecting to the target: (Error -154 @ 0x0) One of the FTDI driver functions used to write data returned bad status or an error. (Emulation package Please guide. Thanks, Vikram 9 年多前 Ki9 年多前 TI__Guru***448031points Hello...
在Debug时,出现Errorconnectingto thetarget:(Error-1135 @0x0)The emulator reported anerror. Confirm cnibooji2018-11-13 14:49:26 在用CCS5.5Debug时遇到Errorconnectingto thetarget问题 在debug时,出现C28xx:Errorconnectingto thetarget:(Error-1135 @0x0)The emulator reported anerror ...
Myself and my lab partner are consistently getting an error message when using the TI XDS100v2. Our target is the TI AM1705. We have checked the VID/PID which are correct for both Channel A and Channel B. We have tried on three different operating ...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread:CC3200,UNIFLASH CC3200测试例程wlan_station时,昨天晚上测试时候都是没问题的。今天再试时,打开串口助手就会出现这个错误(Error connecting to the target);关闭串口助手,仿真成功,亮灯现象也正常。 请问怎么解决这个问题? cc3200的SOP跳线帽有没有跳到SOP2为高电平...
Error connecting to the target Other Parts Discussed in Thread:CC3200 TI 工程师,你好: 我找上用的CC3200-LAUNCH还好好的,下午接上,然后下载,就出现了这个错误。感觉像是芯片坏了。 用另外买的XDS 100V2下载,也下载不进去。 有没有什么方法可以判断一下是不是芯片坏了?
针对您遇到的错误 "error connecting to the target: (error -151 @ 0x0) one of the ftdi driver functions",这个问题通常与FTDI(Future Technology Devices International)驱动的交互问题有关。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,您可以逐一尝试以解决这个问题: 1. 确认设备连接状态 检查硬件连接:确保XDS100或其他仿真器设...
Error connecting to the target 连接到目标的错误
在debug时,出现C28xx:Error connecting to the target:(Error -1135 @ 0x0)The emulator reported an error. Confirm emulator configuration and connections, reset ...
求Errorconnectingto thetarget(Error- 1143 @0x0)问题解决办法 connectingto thetarget: (Error-1143 @0x0)Devicecore was hung. The debugger has forced thedeviceto a cxad2018-06-21 04:25:20 在Debug时,出现Errorconnectingto thetarget: 在Debug时,出现Errorconnectingto thetarget:(Error-1135 @0x0)Th...