在使用MobaXterm(官方免费版)的FTP上传ISO镜像文件时,可能是因为网络原因,文件过大或者工具自身的问题,经常传输中途就会断开。 报错信息如下: Error EElFTPSError: Data channel transfer error (error code is 10054) 截图如下: 处理方案 因为MobaXterm的FTP不支持断点续传,每次上传中途断开后,均需要重新从头开始上传,...
在使用MobaXterm(官方免费版)的FTP上传ISO镜像文件时,可能是因为网络原因,文件过大或者工具自身的问题,经常传输中途就会断开。 报错信息如下: Error EElFTPSError: Data channel transfer error (error code is 10054) 截图如下: 处理方案 因为MobaXterm的FTP不支持断点续传,每次上传中途断开后,均需要重新从头开始上传,...
When the step "sshClient.Connect()" is excuted,an error is occured. The error code is 10054,the error stacktrace is: Renci.SshNet.Common.SshConnectionException: An established connection was aborted by the server. System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, So...
One such error is Open VPN error 10054. “Read UDP: Unknown Error (Code=10054)” happens when the OpenVPN server connection gets reset. Around here atARZHOST, we address Open VPN connection errors for our customers as a part of our Managed VPN Services. Today will see how our Hosting Ex...
10053错误:您的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接。 而为什么又能得到10054的错误号,原因应该在于你设置了SO_LINGER了,一但设置了它,则有一个等待时间,在该等待时间内可以处理发送缓冲区的数据,一但超时或者发送缓冲都被发送完并被确认,则服务端有可能发送RST消息而不是FIN,此时就应该得到重置错误,也就是10054...
Error code "Error 10054" is one of the issues that users may get as a result of incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in system elements. Other potential causes may include improper system shutdown, such as due to a power failure,...
问题描述:迭代10次后,出现Error : socket0 - Connection reset by peer. Error code : 10054错误。
与打印机连接重新设置的失去的通信由同辈窗口错误code=10054您想要试图的胜利一击再联接? 相关内容 aAs far as I am concerned, I am absolutely in favor of this practice. First and foremost, not worrying about the admission fees, ordinary people are allowed to enter the museums to enjoy the displays...
Just downloaded the new Apple TV app for Windows 11, and cannot get any movies to download - they fail within seconds with an error code message of "Stopped (err=10054)". Getting very frustrated with this app and I've only had it for a few minutes....
On windows, socket error 10054 means connection reset (as per msdn). Could be a temporary issue with your server. If the server is working fine (i.e other clients can connect and stay on), and the problem is persistent, then open a ticket in openvpntracwith any relevant info (OS, op...