在TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol)中,错误号码71通常指的是“协议错误”(Protocol Error)。这表示在TFTP会话的某个阶段,接收方遇到了不符合TFTP协议规范的数据包,从而无法继续正常通信。 分析可能导致tftp协议错误71的原因 数据包格式错误:发送方可能发送了格式不正确的数据包,如选项字段使用不当、数据包长度不合...
10092 The Windows Sockets version requested is not supported 10093 Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed 10101 Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence 10102 No more results can be returned by WSALook...
Error code 56 indicates a curl receive error of CURLE_RECV_ERROR which means there was some issue that prevented the data from being received during the clone process. Typically this is caused by a network setting, firewall, V** client, or anti-virus that is terminating the connection befor...