Unable to determine application id: com.android.tools.idea.run.ApkProvisionException: ERROR: APK path is not specified for module “Download.app” 这里写一下我解决的步骤: 选择这里的Edit Configurations 然后进入到编辑配置项界面去 左侧选中app,然后在Deploy里选择Nothing 接着鼠标拖动右边的滚动轴,滑到下...
1. 打开project structure 2.设置outpath路径 最好为绝对路径 点击确定 重新编译即可。 Note: Android Studio版本使用
Unable to determine application id: com.android.tools.idea.run.ApkProvisionException: ERROR: APK path is not specified for module "flutter_app3_android" When I Run project then it shows this error, I found many solutions on the net but none of any solutions is working, When I try to set...
启动UIAbility时报“The specified ability does not exist”错误 启动UIAbility时报“must have required property 'startWindowIcon'”错误 调用方使用startAbilityForResult()时,被调用方如何返回数据 如何在未知UIAbility的情况下通过隐式Want拉起应用 拉起UIAbility时报“16000050”错误 通过隐式Want拉起浏览器...
It apply from a localize.gradle, this is the localize.gradle content // import legacy ANT tasks: http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2012/08/using gradle-to-bootstrap-your-legacy.html for XSLT based localization ant.projectName = 'A' ant.importBuild '../../Tools/Localization/lo...
1、问题通常出现在:当我们由于项目未知异常选择手动删除idea项目配置,并重启idea尝试使其生效时。 2、这时候我们点击main方法项目运行,项目会弹出一个配置编辑窗并在下方显示 Module is not specified。 3、此时最简单的方...Output directory not specified for Module Error:Kotlin:Output directory not specified ...
1、把这个变量配置到系统变量里的path里:D:\Android_SDK\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\29.0.3 2、把下图三个文件复制到tools文件里,如图 重新运行appium-doctor命令,结果如图,代表环境没问题了 再次运行自动安装apk代码看看是否还报错 结果还是报错
Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm 问题:System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException:“Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.” 解决方法:AES加密中参数key应是32位,如果位数不对会报此错。... idea 报错Output directory is not specified错误 ...
Flutter version: 3.3.8 OS: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS x86_64 NOTE: Removing the path_provider from pubspec.yaml will resolve the issue and the build will complete normally. Steps to Reproduce Create a new flutter project In app/build.gradle chan...