apk path is not specified for module "app"解决方法 今天不小心删相册模块把app模块删了,所以出现无法运行也是理所当然了。 查看项目根目录是否有setting.gradle 如果有 ,检查是否有include ':app','如果没有手动加上。 如果是多个根据规律插入,如 include':app',':pulltorefresh_library',':live_player','...
Unable to determine application id: com.android.tools.idea.run.ApkProvisionException: ERROR: APK path is not specified for module “Download.app” 在github下载了一个开源项目之后,点击绿色三角按钮准备执行install安装,然后Run标签栏一直显示报错 Unable to determine application id: com.android.tools.idea.r...
当我尝试启动我的项目时出现错误: "ERROR: APK path is not specified for module" 我按照这个答案 APK path is not specified for module “Example-Example” 但没有给我结果。还有更多想法吗? 原文由 Sergey Shustikov 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 androidintellij-ideaandroid-studiobuilding 有用...
Unable to determine application id: com.android.tools.idea.run.ApkProvisionException: ERROR: APK path is not specified for module "flutter_app3_android" When I Run project then it shows this error, I found many solutions on the net but none of any solutions is working, When I try to set...
Android Studio解决Error:moudle not specified 2019-03-18 16:47 − 在使用Android Studio 进行Builder APKs的时候,如果发现无法degub, 进行配置的时候 没有module可以进行指定,如果所示(借个图) 问题的原因一般是Grade Files 没有有效同步。 1.首先要确保Grade 同步完成 如果有问题参考这个链接 ... wanglg...
pathPrefix="/ul/"/> </intent-filter> </activity> <property android:name="android.window.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING_SPLITS_ENABLED" android:value="true"/> <activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode" android:exported="false...
[1013]: + gdb_path= Dec 13 14:54:07 ams-clssaq4cen21ek8789j0 anbox-starter[1013]: + [ false = true ] Dec 13 14:54:07 ams-clssaq4cen21ek8789j0 anbox-starter[1013]: + exec /usr/bin/anbox session --user=anbox --group=anbox --platform=null --metrics-server=influxdb:192.168...
# Pick a key to sign the package with. If this package hasn't specified # an explicit certificate, use the default. # Secure release builds will have their packages signed after the fact, # so it's ok for these private keys to be in the clear. ...
jar: Runtime JAR file has version 1.4 which is older than required for API version 1.5 > Task :app:lintVitalReportRelease w: Runtime JAR files in the classpath have the version 1.4, which is older than the API version 1.5. Consider using the runtime of version 1.5, or pass '-api-...