error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到错误 error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 时,这通常意味着在你的SQL查询中,id 列在多个表中存在,而你没有明确指定你想要引用的是哪个表的 id 列。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 确定查询中涉及的表格及其别名: 首先...
join lot l on = a.lot_id and l.numero ='20230620V327'; The result is displayed You try to edit and modify a value, and the you save it. It returns this message SQL Error [42702]: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous Position : 323 Script-8.sql /Prod-rw/Scripts lin...
关联查询报错 PSQLException: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous 原因分析: 关联查询时两个表均有id 解决方案: 设置表别名 a,b 若返回对象只需要取a的id ,select 即可,如图.XXMapper.xml 同理 PSQLException: ERROR: column reference "XX" is ambiguous 分类: 项目报错-bug 标签: 数据...
Hi, the bug 'column reference "id" is ambiguous' is resolved. But now we have a new problem when pk name is different from default (id) and the autocomplete field is a foreign key. The problem is in "SELECT (CASE WHEN the_pk_name='877' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "autht..."...
This message indicates that the two tables to be joined contain the same column, but the owner of the column is not specified when the command is executed.For example, ta
I'm trying to join 4 different table to calculate item revenue depending on some conditions ,I will write sql query after I'm able to build the right view using 4 tables ...below is the query for the view and I'm getting ambiguous column error for ik...can someone please explain why...
错误Column 'id' in order clause is ambiguous 易出现在p = Product.find(:all,:include=>:kind,:order=>"id desc") 类似的语句上,用include包含了一个left join对象,所以id可能存在于多个表内,就引起了二义性修改为p = Product.find(:all,:include=>:kind,:order=>" desc") 属性前加上...
whereno=#{no,jdbcType=BIGINT}} 我报这个错是因为插入的时候 #{userId}), #{realName}, #{alipayAccount} 写成这样了,因为后面2个是后加的,没注意。 五、column reference "user_id" is ambiguous 上面的意识是:列引用“user_id”不明确。 问题原因是下面这里少写了 eu....
plc_id AS location_id, location_naa.short_name AS location_short_name, s1_contract.market_month AS market_month, s1_contract.market_zone_frt_adj AS market_zone_frt_adj, s1_contract.misc_column_description1 AS misc_column_description1, s1_contract.misc_column_description2 AS misc_column_...
time=1698685733318","message":"An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42702]: Ambiguous column: 7 ERROR: column reference \"poll_id\" is ambiguous\nLINE 1: ...\"c1\".\"user_id\") WHERE \"p\".\"poll_id\" = $1 GROUP BY \"poll_id\",...\n ^","userAgent":...