error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到错误 error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 时,这通常意味着在你的SQL查询中,id 列在多个表中存在,而你没有明确指定你想要引用的是哪个表的 id 列。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 确定查询中涉及的表格及其别名: 首先...
Hi all, I’m using the script below on a property change event of a PLC tag and I get the error column reference “serialnumber” is ambiguous. Anybody know what that means? Thanks! if currentValue.value == True: la…
Hi, the bug 'column reference "id" is ambiguous' is resolved. But now we have a new problem when pk name is different from default (id) and the autocomplete field is a foreign key. The problem is in "SELECT (CASE WHEN the_pk_name='877' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "autht..."... 我有study和study_user 两张表,它们都有一个列叫user_id, 我用study去include study_user,以下是我的查询语句: let studies = await Study.findAll({ where: { department_id: { []: upsDepartments, }, '...
select a.* from arrivage a join lot l on = a.lot_id and l.numero ='20230620V327'; The result is displayed You try to edit and modify a value, and the you save it. It returns this message SQL Error [42702]: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous ...
PSQLException: ERROR: column reference"id"is ambiguous 原因分析: 关联查询时两个表均有id 解决方案: 设置表别名 a,b 若返回对象只需要取a的id,select a.id即可,如图.XXMapper.xml 同理 PSQLException: ERROR: column reference "XX" is ambiguous
PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "name" is ambiguousというエラーが出ます. 解決策 上記のエラーはnameカラムが曖昧だというエラーです。 そこでカテゴリモデルのスコープメソッドにテーブル名を付けます。 category.rb classCategory<ApplicationRecordhas_many:category_users,dependent: ...
42702 A column reference is ambiguous, because of duplicate names. 42703 An undefined column or parameter name was detected. 42704 An undefined object or constraint name was detected. 42705 An undefined server-name was detected. 42707 A column name in ORDER BY does not identify a column of the...
This message indicates that the two tables to be joined contain the same column, but the owner of the column is not specified when the command is executed.For example, ta
42702 A column reference is ambiguous, because of duplicate names. AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_OR_FIELD, AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_REFERENCE, AMBIGUOUS_LATERAL_COLUMN_ALIAS, DELTA_AMBIGUOUS_PARTITION_COLUMN, EXCEPT_OVERLAPPING_COLUMNS 42703 An undefined column or parameter name was detected. COLUMN_NOT_DEFINED_IN_TABLE, ...