error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到错误 error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 时,这通常意味着在你的SQL查询中,id 列在多个表中存在,而你没有明确指定你想要引用的是哪个表的 id 列。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 确定查询中涉及的表格及其别名: 首先...
PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "name" is ambiguousというエラーが出ます. 解決策 上記のエラーはnameカラムが曖昧だというエラーです。 そこでカテゴリモデルのスコープメソッドにテーブル名を付けます。 category.rb classCategory<ApplicationRecordhas_many:category_users,dependent: ...
postgrescolumnreferenceidisambiguous postgrescolumnreferenceidisambiguous 在执⾏函数时会出现该问题 解决办法:在查询时为表格指定别名,并且查询字段指定表名如:table.field_name 不过说来也奇怪,我就查⼀个表,怎么会出现模糊的字段呢 -- 销售报表查询条件,汇总⽅式可能会有多种情况,/* ⽉环⽐:1. 每个...
然而,执行上述语句时会出现 “set column reference is ambiguous” 错误。引用模糊解决方法为了解决 “set column reference is ambiguous” 错误,我们需要明确指定要更新的列。我们可以使用 “EXCLUDED” 关键字来指定插入语句中具体冲突的值。以下是修改后的示例代码:INSERT INTO employees (name...
postgres column reference "id" is ambiguous 在执行函数时会出现该问题 解决办法: 在查询时为表格指定别名,并且查询字段指定表名如:table.field_name 不过说来也奇怪,我就查一个表,怎么会出现模糊的字段呢 -- 销售报表查询条件,汇总方式可能会有多种情况, /* 月环比: 1. 每个客户的环比, 2. 每个销售人员...
ERROR: column reference "z" is ambiguous at character 8 STATEMENT: SELECT z FROM x, y Explanation: This error occurs when the referenced column can't be resolved unambiguously. This may occur when you have two tables that have columns with the same name. ... PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "name" is ambiguous
I'll look into this tomorrow but since the update to 2.2.0 I've noticed this issue on sentry; ProgrammingError at /app/model/1/ column reference "id" is ambiguous LINE 1: SELECT (CASE WHEN id='1' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "... It compla...
query_simple.sql:5:3: column reference "title" is ambiguous After I found out the first time what the problem is the workaround is not too difficult but it can be very time consuming to find the right place because the error message does not necessarily point to the right place and the...
ERROR: column reference "full_name" is ambiguous Doing so leads to SQL being confused with which full_name you are referring. SQL Solve Ambiguous column name error To solve this error, we can add aliases for the columns causing ambiguity. For example, we can run the query as: select x....