恩斯特·彼得·威廉·特罗尔奇(Ernst Peter Wilhelm Troeltsch,1865年2月17日-1923年2月1日),德国自由派新教神学家,宗教哲学和历史哲学学者,古典自由主义政治家。他是宗教史学派的一员。他的著作是多种思潮的综合,借鉴了阿尔布雷希特·里彻尔、马克斯·韦伯的社会学概念和新康德主义的巴登学派。图片...
Ernst Troeltsch was a German scholar of considerable influence on younger theologians of his time for his insistence that the Christian church reexamine its claims to absolute truth. Many of Troeltsch’s publications, which span the disciplines of theolo
Christian Thought 3 2000 作者 Protestantism and Progress 41 1999 作者 Religion in History 4 1997 作者 The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches Vol 2 3 作者 > 去添加作品 > 去恩斯特·特洛尔奇人物页 © 2005-2024 douban.com, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣 · ...
必应词典为您提供ERNST-TROELTSCH的释义,网络释义: 特洛尔奇;特尔慈;特勒尔奇;
- Ernst Troeltsch -김주한Einleitung, in: Ernst Troeltsch (2002), Schriften zur Politik und Kulturphilosophie
Ernst Troeltsch an Helmer Key, Svenska Dagbladet Ernst Troeltsch an Paul Natorp Ernst Troeltsch an Paul Siebeck, Verlag J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ernst Troeltsch an Friedrich Thimme Ernst Troeltsch an Martin Rade Ernst Troeltsch an Elise und Eugenie Troeltsch Ernst Troeltsch an Frie...
SummaryErnst Troeltsch was one of the great modern theologians who studied extensively the transformation of Christianity in modern times. The present article discusses Troeltsch's many-sided historical, sociological and systematical analysis of the relation between Christianity and modernity. The ...
Ernst Troeltsch, a German philosopher and theologian, wrote this account of the ‘German democracy’ in December 1918: “Overnight we have become the most radical democracy in Europe, and are obliged as well to consider it the relatively moderate solution to the problem of our political life....
图书Ernst Troeltsch Briefe 1884-1894 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
14. Oktober 1918491Ernst Troeltsch an Eugen Diederichs14. Oktober 1918; Berlin;Postkarte nach Jena, eigenhändig;Marbach a. N., Deutsches Literaturarchiv, A: Diederichs, HS. 1995.0002.B 14 X 18Verehrter Herr Diederichs.Besten Dank für Ihr Tatheft, die Aufsätze des Herrn Schmitt1sind sehr...