Eric Bogatin is the Dean of the Signal Integrity Academy,, and an adjunct professor in the ECEE Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He received his BS in Physics from MIT and PhD in Physics from the University of Arizona in Tucson. ...
Eric Bogatin is the Dean of the Signal Integrity Academy,, and an adjunct professor in the ECEE Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He received his BS in Physics from MIT and PhD in Physics from the University of Arizona in Tucson. ...
最近在看Eric Bogatin的'Signal and Power integrity',信号完整性必读的三部曲之一的蓝宝书,另外两本分别是Stephen H. Hall的'High-speed Digital System Design'(红宝书)和Howard_Johnson的'High-speed Digital Design'(黑魔书)。 本系列会把读书过程中遇到的问题或者一些感想分享出来 由于时间和英文水平问题,我看...
信号完整性分析_ERIC BOGATIN(经典书籍) 0次下载 2015-08-19 12815KB 下载资料 何为信号完整性?信号完整性包含哪些 何为信号完整性:信号完整性(Signal Integrity,简称SI)是指在信号线上的信号质量。差的信号完整性不是由某一单一因素导致的,而是板级设计中多种因素共同引起的。当电路中信号能以要求的时序、...
Eric Bogatin on signal integrity principlesPaul Rako
Eric Bogatin在麻省理工学院获得物理学学士学位,在亚利桑那(Arizona)大学获得物理学的硕士和博士学位。Eric先生在Bell实验室,Raychem,Sun Microsystems,Ansoft,and Interconnect Devices公司担任过高级工程师和项目主管职位。他先后出版了六本关于信号完整性和互连设计的书籍以及300多篇论文。他还是一位服务于IEEE EMC 社区的...
If you've ever attended DesignCon, then there's a good chance you've seen Eric Bogatin's presentations on signal integrity. He usually
Signal and Power Integrity - Si - Eric Bogatin.pdf 评分: This third edition of Signal and Power Integrity—Simplified has one significant new addition over the previous edition: questions and problems at the end of each chapter to test and reinforce your understanding. Signal Integrity 2019-...
从2013年4月10日开始,主要学习了《信号完整性分析Signal Integrity: Simplified》(Eric Bogatin著,李玉山 李丽平 等译)一书,此外参考了某些公司的内部资料,遇到不易理解和书中没有详细讲解的内容,会到网络上查找参考资料。由于有段时间工作比较忙,导致总结直到9月份才写完。 学习过程中,遇到认为比较重要的知识点就记录...