从2013年4月10日开始,主要学习了《信号完整性分析Signal Integrity: Simplified》(Eric Bogatin著,李玉山 李丽平 等译)一书,此外参考了某些公司的内部资料,遇到不易理解和书中没有详细讲解的内容,会到网络上查找参考资料。由于有段时间工作比较忙,导致总结直到9月份才写完。 学习过程中,遇到认为比较重要的知识点就记录...
Eric Bogatin on signal integrityPaul Rako
Signal and Power Integrity - Si - Eric Bogatin.pdf 评分: This third edition of Signal and Power Integrity—Simplified has one significant new addition over the previous edition: questions and problems at the end of each chapter to test and reinforce your understanding. Signal Integrity 2019-...
y classes in Oregon Eric Bogatin signal integrity classes in OregonEric Bogatin signal integrity classes in OregonPaul Rako
Signal and Power Integrity - Si - Eric Bogatin.pdf This third edition of Signal and Power Integrity—Simplified has one significant new addition over the previous edition: questions and problems at the end of each chapter to test and reinforce your understanding. ...
Eric Bogatin on signal integrity principlesPaul Rako
Eric Bogatin signal integrity courses in San JosePaul Rako
Eric Bogatin signal integrity seminarPaul Rako