Other spellings Eren Yeager[12] Biological Information Species Human, Intelligent Titan Gender Male Age 15 (850)[3] 19 (854) Height 15 m (Titan form)[13][14] Relatives Jaeger family Grisha Jaeger (father, deceased) Carla Jaeger (mother, deceased) Zeke Jaeger (half-brother, deceased...
With the ability to transform into a Titan, Eren Yeager plays a pivotal role in the survival of humanity. He holds the power to fight back against the Titan race. This inspires many others around him to fight with hope. This ability however also results in Eren also becomes a subject of ...
Height 170 cm (850)[10]183 cm (854)[11]4 m (Pure Titan form)[12]15 m (Attack Titan form)[13][14][15] Weight 63 kg (850)[10]82 kg (854)[11] Relatives Yeager family Grisha Yeager (father, deceased) Carla Yeager (mother, deceased) Zeke Yeager (half-brother, deceased) Yeager...