Attack On Titanfollows this Eren Yeager as he holds a special power that gives humanity a fighting chance against the Titans: The ability to turn into a powerful Titan. ThroughoutAttack on Titan, Eren Yeager discovers the mysteries of why Titans exist and why he holds such powers. Shortly af...
Height 170 cm (850)[10]183 cm (854)[11]4 m (Pure Titan form)[12]15 m (Attack Titan form)[13][14][15] Weight 63 kg (850)[10]82 kg (854)[11] Relatives Yeager family Grisha Yeager (father, deceased) Carla Yeager (mother, deceased) Zeke Yeager (half-brother, deceased) Yeager...
Lightweight at 100g including packaging Package: Securely packaged in a PP bag Design: Featuring iconic characters Eren Yeager, Levi Mikasa Ackerman **Captivating Design and Craftsmanship** The Game Eren Yeager Levi Mikasa Ackerman Acrylic Stand Doll is a meticulously crafted piece that pays homage ...
Height (approx.): 90 mm | 3.5 " Order Limit: 3 per person Also Available: Marshmalloid Attack on Titan Mikasa Ackerman Marshmalloid Attack on Titan Armin Arlelt Marshmalloid Attack on Titan Levi Eren Yeager joins the soft and fluffy Marshmalloid series! From the anime "Attack on Titan"...
and Authenticity** Step into the world of the renowned anime series with this meticulously crafted Mikasa Ackerman, Levi, Armin, and Eren Yeager acrylic stand dolls. These figures, standing at an impressive height, are not just mere toys but a testament to the artistry and attention to detail...
Other spellings Eren Yeager[12] Biological Information Species Human, Intelligent Titan Gender Male Age 15 (850)[3] 19 (854) Height 15 m (Titan form)[13][14] Relatives Jaeger family Grisha Jaeger (father, deceased) Carla Jaeger (mother, deceased) Zeke Jaeger (half-brother, deceased...