ee.ImageCollection("ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR") 空间信息 Resolution 11132 meters Bands Table NameDescriptionUnits dewpoint_temperature_2m Temperature to which the air, at 2 meters above the surface of the Earth, would have to be cooled for saturation to occur. It is a measure of the humidit...
2. 使用FAO/GAUL_SIMPLIFIED_500m/2015/level0数据集,过滤出包含上述几何点的区域roi,并将该区域添加到地图中。 3. 使用ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR数据集,选择了温度变量temperature_2m,并进行了一系列筛选条件:选择2015年到2018年的数据,以及3月到6月的数据。然后对每个图像进行了处理,将温度转换为摄氏度,并...
ee.ImageCollection("ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR") 空间信息 Resolution 11132 meters Bands Table Name Description Units dewpoint_temperature_2m Temperature to which the air, at 2 meters above the surface of the Earth, would have to be cooled for saturation to occur. It is a measure of the hum...
ee.ImageCollection("ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR") 空间信息 Resolution 11132 meters Bands Table Name Description Units dewpoint_temperature_2m Temperature to which the air, at 2 meters above the surface of the Earth, would have to be cooled for saturation to occur. It is a measure of the hum...
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR').first(); var visualization = { bands: ['temperature_2m'], min: 250, max: 320, palette: [ '000080', '0000d9', '4000ff', '8000ff', '0080ff', '00ffff', '00ff80', '80ff00', 'daff00', 'ffff00', 'fff500',...
ERA5- land是一个再分析数据集,ERA5- land是通过重放ECMWF ERA5气候再分析的陆地分量而产生的。 数据描述: (2)数据变量 单位转换 以ERA5-land的降水 Total precipitation为例, 日平均的月平均积累包含单位 per day:The accumulations in monthly means of daily means have been scaled...
ee.ImageCollection("ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR") 空间信息 Resolution 11132 meters Bands Table 变量 NameTypeDescriptiondayInt Calendar day monthInt Calendar month yearInt Calendar year 代码 vardataset=ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR').first();varvisualization={bands:['temperature_2m'...
热浪识别重点使用的是heatwaveR包 使用的气温数据为 ERA5-Land Daily Aggregated 下载自GEE 下面是代码 #清空变量 rm(list = ls()) gc() #安装包 #install.packages("terra") ...
Daily satellite-based IMERG and model-based ERA5-Land, together with gauge precipitation data, were collected with the period from 2005 to 2016 over China in this study. Daily corrections for precipitation biases from wind-induced undercatch, wetting loss, and trace error were made for gauge ...