Non-equivalent methylene protons in the 220 MHz NMR spectra of Group IVB alkylsProton and fluorine NMR spectra of HBF2 were recorded in the temperature range 140°K to 230°K. The values for the spin-coupling constants JHF, J11B—H and J11B—F are 108±1 Hz, 211±2 Hz, and 84±1 ...
Interactive proton 1H NMR spectrum of ethanol showing equivalent protons with 3D model of molecule and 2D structure
Interactive proton 1H NMR spectrum of ethyl benzene showing equivalent protons with 3D model of molecule and 2D structure
A 1H-NMR method for epoxy group analysis was reported by Dorsey et al. more than 20 years ago [7]. This method was based on the relation between the protons of internal standard (1,1,2,2,-tetrachlorethane) and methylene protons of the epoxide group. Another efficient method based on ...
A new method based on the combination of selective proton decoupling and INEPT is explained in detail. This technique, named selective INEPT (SEL-INEPT), is a useful and sensitive method for the 13C NMR assignment of methylene carbons with non-equivalent protons. The 13C NMR spectrum of ...
John Wiley & Sons, LtdChemInformA. Poveda, C. Vicent, S. Penades, J. Jimenez-Barbero, NMR experiments for the detection of NOEs and scalar coupling constants between equivalent protons in trehalose-containing molecules, Carbohydr. Res. 301 (1997) 5-10....
Poveda A.Penades S.Jimenezbarbero J.Vicent C.Carbohydrate researchA. Poveda, C. Vicent, S. Penades, J. Jimenez-Barbero, NMR experiments for the detection of NOEs and scalar coupling constants between equivalent protons in trehalose-containing molecules, Carbohydr. Res. 301 (1997) 5-10....
The NMR Chemical Shifts between the Nonequivalent Methylene Protons of Polymer and Oligomers of Methyl Methacrylate: The Revised meso/racemo Assignments for the ω-End Dyad Sequences1H NMRTwo-Dimensional NMRHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography
In each pair one of the proton donors contains one reactive center, and the other two. It is shown by NMR and quantum-chemical methods that molecules possessing two equivalent proton donor centers form hydrogen bonds involving both protons, the formation of one hydrogen bond having practically no...
NMRASSIGNMENTMETHYLENEPOLY(3-HYDROXYBUTYRATE)LONG-RANGE C-13-H-1 COUPLINGPolymer Journal, official journal of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan publishes high quality papers in all areas of polymer and macromolecular research.doi:10.1295/polymj.26.1396Hikichi, Kunio...