来源:http://eq2.wikia.com 翻译:unr-Afiokic A heart that lacks the capacity for truth,honor,and couragedoes not deserve to be beating.——Lady Erillis,Order of Marr 一颗不能容纳真理、荣誉和勇气的心灵,终将被打败。——Erillis女士,Marr的秩序 Mentally sharp and morally virtuous,the good nature...
A. Status is a measure of the personal contribution that players gain as they complete writs for their home city. In order to earn status you must be in a player guild and accept "city writs" from whatever faction you choose to work for. Gaining status with these factions will unlock rew...
Cvaka Zichovani in The Feerrott is now willing to update the quest "The Plague?" regardless of whether you have the quest "Shattered Hand". You are now able to get the third quest again if you decline it after completing the quest “Human Cargo.” The Reanimated Seeress should no long...