其次,在“构建”中设置编译器为“PdfLaTeX”。如果是中文,可以设置为“XeLaTeX”。 运行结果如下图所示: 二.Package pdftex.def Error: File `figures//4-eps-converted-to.pdf’ not found: using draft setting. 背景知识: 在使用Texlive对要提交的论文排版,通常要求图片为eps格式,并且LaTeX通常能自动转换为P...
This tool is especially suited for LaTeX (TeX) users who want to create pdf documents on the fly (by including pdf graphics and using either pdftex or pdflatex). An example would be, if you are using LaTeX (TeX) to typeset documents then the usual (simple) way to include graphics is...
Well, I used the commandpdftopsin the LaTeX distribution such as MiKTeX/TeXLive/CTex to implement onepdf2epscommand, as follows @echooffrem pdf2eps <pdf file without ext>setfilename=%~dpn1 pdfcrop "%filename%.pdf" "%filename%-cropped.pdf" pdfseparate "%filename%-cropped.pdf" "%filena...
latex技巧之pdf裁剪、转换eps 打开Acrobat-文档-裁剪文档-在裁剪页面对话框里设置 比如页边距控制选项,可以从上下左右四个方向设置裁剪的尺寸,并可以从右边的缩略图直观的审视裁剪的范围。页面范围选项,可以设置裁剪指定页面或者全部页面。然后直接保存.eps格式 图形格式支持:pdflatex, .pdf latex, .eps 比如:\...
This tool is especially suited for LaTeX (TeX) users who want to create pdf documents on the fly (by including pdf graphics and using either pdftex or pdflatex). An example would be, if you are using LaTeX (TeX) to typeset documents then the usual (simple) way to include graphics is...
最近遇到了一个问题,需要从pdf裁剪出其中部分的矢量图格式的图片,并保存为eps格式,方便使用。 最简单的方法就是先用acrobat pro将pdf进行页面抽取,并裁剪,剩下所需要的图片部分,然后另存为eps格式。 然而,原始的pdf文件4.06MB,抽取并裁剪后的子页面2.12MB,另存为的eps文件确有4.13MB。