如果直接用xelatex编译会出现citation not defined…自问自答,ctex与爱思唯尔的LaTeX模板不兼容。且xelate...
Description eps format figure failed to compile with various receipe, including latexmk, pdflatex->bibtex->pdflatex2, xelatex -> bibtex -> xelatex2 Log messages "message": "Package pdftex.def: File `fig1-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: ...
convert eps eps2pdf epstopdf ghostscript pdf pdflatex pdftex t Acknowledgements Inspired: savefig Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Simulink for Developing Digital Control for Motors, Power Converters, and Batter...
latex pdf 转 eps 方法一,使用命令行,缺点是得到的文件有点大 pdf 转 ps,pdf2ps input.pdf output.ps ps 转 eps,ps2eps input.ps 方法二,使用 GSView 转,步骤稍显罗嗦,文件大小合适 用GSView 打开 pdf 文件,选择 File → Convert,在弹出对话框中选择 Ps2write, 600, Fixed Page Size,点击 ok...
In my document, I use \includegraphics{theimage} and pdflatex automatically convert my eps to a pdf (theimage-eps-converted-to.pdf). However, when there is a shadow, the image is not vectorial! (if I manually do epstopdf, I have the same issue in the pdf) If I export in pdf dir...
1.准备好PDF文件 例如:f1.pdf 2.打开GSview,转换f1.pdf成为f1.ps 打开GSview,File-->Convert-->文件下选择fig1.pdf, 选择ps2write, 600, Fixed Page Size--OK,保存为“f1.ps” 3. 去除ps页面空白,保存为“.eps”文件 打开“f1.ps” File-->PS to EPS -->去除勾选“Automatically calculate Boun...
This tool is especially suited for LaTeX (TeX) users who want to create pdf documents on the fly (by including pdf graphics and using either pdftex or pdflatex). An example would be, if you are using LaTeX (TeX) to typeset documents then the usual (simple) way to include graphics is...
So I took the trouble to make a test document and checked the log file. It says quite clearly epspdf <file> is used to convert eps->pdf (not epstopdf (script)) and a check in the docu showed (Note the epsTOpdf vs epspdf). The package needs epspdf which is not in ...