这个由 Edmund Husserl 创立的学科让我深感兴趣,尤其是其核心概念“表象缩减”(Epoché)。这个词听起来很神秘,但它在我研究“痛苦”这一复杂现象时发挥了巨大的作用。 我的第一次遇见“表象缩减” 当我第一次跳入现象学这个领域时,我被告知 Edmund Husserl 是这个问题上最权威的专家。他首次详细阐述了“表象缩减...
1. The epoche of two natural attitudes in Husserl's phenomenology 胡塞尔现象学的两种自然态度之悬搁更多例句>> 2) suspend lock 悬搁锁3) suspended state 悬搁状态4) suspension of judgment 悬搁判断 1. In fact,the essence of the problem is the relation between suspension of judgment and ...
他主张悬搁对事物的判断,其理由是事物本身的不确定性。wwwrrrnnn888666.blog.163.com|基于93个网页 3. 存而不论 西方现象学企图用「存而不论」(Epoche)逐入意识腹地,终能直观现象本源之纯意识, [7]与东方有异曲同工之妙。胡赛尔(E. Husserl,1…www.catholic.tj.cn|基于31个网页 更多释义...
epoché (redirected fromEpoche) epoché the placing in parentheses, orbracketing,ofany aspect(s) of reality for methodological purposes. For example, the analysis of'S tructure’ while holding individual agency in parenthesis (see Giddens, 1984). The concept ofepochéderives fromHUSSERL's PHENOMENOLO...
Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) was a German philosopher, and considered by most to be the principal founder of phenomenology. According to Husserl, the primary objective of phenomenology is the direct investigation and description of phenomena as consciously experienced, without theories about their causal...
Edmund Husserl's phenomenology offered the possibility of once again doing philosophy at a time when funereal signs were forecasting the immanent demise of the philosophical enterprise. Itself a new beginning, Husserl's phenomenology argued that philosophy is a beginning anew, a taking up of the ...
It achieves this by aligning Husserl's concept of phenomenological This research suggests that lived experience such as kendo practice can provide a ready-to-hand pathway to phenomenological inquiry.doi:10.1108/QRJ-02-2019-0022Bradley Roberts
a new copernican revolution: moving beyond the husserlian epoche to a new critique of reason: tymieniecka and the role of the creative imaginationdoi:10.1007/1-4020-3680-9_5Nancy MardasSpringer Netherlands
Edmund HusserlepocheIn this paper, I contend that the narrative presented in Husserl's recently translated Text 7 is a strikingly clear affirmation and vindication of the psychological adaptation of phenomenology developed by Amedeo Giorgi. I argue that Giorgi's methodological advocacy of the epoche ...
Description of the schizophrenic experience; Comparison between the bracketing of reality in Husserlian phenomenological reduction and that of the hallucinatory experience; Discussion on the problem of intentionality; Reference to a possible avenue for phenomenological research on schizophrenia.Naudin...