Epistemology 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This advanced textbook, now in its second edition, provides an accessible overview of some of the main issues in contemporary epistemology. Written by an expert in the field, it covers such key topics as virtue epistemology, anti-luck epistemology,...
Duncan Pritchard is Professor and Chair of Epistemology at the University of Edinburgh, where he directs the Eidyn Research Centre. He is also Chancellor's Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Irvine. His most recent book, Epistemic Angst, was published by Princeton UP in 20...
Epistemology and Educational Research: The Influence of Recent Approaches to Knowledge. In L. Darling-Harmmond (Ed.). Review of Research in Education, 20: 423-464. Washington: American Educational Research Association.Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of ...
Ana- lysing key arguments in both fields, we discover the hitherto unobserved fact that research- ers in both fields employ the same argument structure. This is a priori somewhat surprising, given that both fields are isolated from each other as evidenced by an absence of cross- referencing. ...
in September 1969. The compendium is divided into three sections. Part I deals with the relevance which the genetic study of concept development may have for the analysis of concepts. This sets the framework for subsequent discussion. The second part examines some of the specific issues in ...
sEasternDivisionmeetingin December2005asapartofapanelorganizedbytheCommittee onPhilosophyandComputers. JamesMoor’sarticlemayserveasalinkbetween epistemologicalissuesandcomputerethics.Theauthor presentsapowerfuldefenseoftheviewthatrobotethicsisa legitimateandimportantfieldofresearch.Moorarguesthat robotsshouldbeviewedas...
Research highlights ► Teachers need to examine their own epistemology in relation to the racial/ethnic background of the children they teach. ► Teachers can write their personal narratives on Epistemology, Diversity, and Teaching (their pedagogy). ► Critical analysis of readings of scholars ...
Reading Abraham Lincoln: An Expert/Expert Study in the Interpretation of Historical Texts 阅读PDFJCR-Q2SSCI 337 被引用·0 笔记 引用 The role of knowledge in discourse comprehension: A construction-integration model. An epistemological analysis of the application of an online inquiry-based program in...
EpistemologyResearch MethodologyResearch ProblemsResearch ReportsAnalyzes chapters on epistemology and methodology in thedoi:10.1080/00377996.1990.9957533LongstreetWilma S.Social StudiesLongstreet, W. S. (1990). The social studies: In search of an epistemology. The Social Studies, 81(6), 244-248....
B. 2000. "The Substance of Things Hoped for, the Evidence of Things not Seen: Examining an Endarkened Feminist Epistemology in Educational Research and Leadership." International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 13 (6): 661-681. doi:10.1080/09518390050211565....