Late stages of epidemiological transition: Health status in the developed world. Health Place 1999;5(3):209-222.Smallman-Raynor M, Phillips D. Late stages of epidemiological transition: health status in the developed world. Health Place 1999; 5: 209-22....
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a global disease; its evolution can be stratified into four epidemiological stages: Emergence, Acceleration in Incidence, Compounding Prevalence and Prevalence Equilibrium. In 2020, developing countries are in the Emergence stage, newly industrialized countries are in ...
Random walkers on a two-dimensional square lattice are used to explore the spatio-temporal growth of an epidemic. We have found that a simple random-walk system generates non-trivial dynamics compared with traditional well-mixed models. Phase diagrams ch
A first step in the transition is associated with an increasing disease burden related to hypertension such as hemorrhagic stroke, whereas ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke emerge at later stages in the transition. China and other Asian countries appear to be in the midstage of the ...
Regardless of advances in medical science, BC is still diagnosed in the advanced stages in the countries with inadequate resources as early detection, diagnosis, and proper treatment cannot be proficiently endorsed. Overall, the 5-year survival rate in BC has been improved in high-income countries...
Older people, and those with comorbidities, are particularly vulnerable to severe infection. In China, early stages of the pandemic (April-May 2020), led to a case-fatality ratio of 18·5% among 70–79-year-olds, increasing to 32·1% in those ≥80 years old [23]. Average age of dea...
(hsCRP) and high fibrinogen levels, which can lead to chronic systemic inflammation and increase the risk of CVD [112]. Further studies have found that Ni, the transition metal component in PM2.5, synergistically increases systemic and vascular oxidative stress, which can exacerbate PM2.5exposure-...
presence of other life stages ofI. ricinusandI. trianguliceps, body mass*vole abundance (MNA) interaction term and body mass*sex interaction term. ‘Trapping site’ and ‘vole individual nested in the trapping site’ were included as random effects in the models. Model selection was performed ...
(B) The SEICWH model. The six immunological stages are S: susceptible, E: exposed, I: clinically ill and infectious, C: temporarily protected by the cellular response, W: temporarily susceptible, H: protected on the long-term by the humoral response. The number of sub-compartments in each...
In the model it is assumed that immunity wanes in two stages: after recovering from infection individuals are totally immune, but then immune memory starts to fade: if they are challenged by the pathogen when they are in the stage of partial immunity, they recover a complete immunity; ...