如果我被禁止在Epic Games上进行购买,我该怎么办? 如果您是一位儿童,且您的家长或监护人并没有帮助您设置您的账户,您可能持有的是具有不同功能的限制账户。如果您觉得您的账户是限制账户,可访问此页面来了解详情。 如果您收到了错误信息表示您已被禁止进行购买,在大多数情况下可等待 24 小时后重试解决此问题...
如果通过您的付款方式或创建的账户有未经授权的购买,我们将尽全力协助您。但请注意:这些购买的下单日期必须在 90 天内。 我对这些购买并不知情 请点击联系我们,向我们发送支持票单,我们将竭诚为您调查。 我们审核您提交的内容后,会有专员向您收集相关信息,帮助我
Epic Games claims that the fee Apple charges for the link is "financially unattractive" for developers who want to choose another payment solution, and it "prevents any meaningful competition between payment solutions." The company wants the court to require Apple to bring its policies int...
在今年早些时候,我们引入了对澳元、加元、丹麦克朗、挪威克朗以及瑞典克朗的支持。在增加了以上的货币之后,现在Epic游戏商城已支持 21 种货币,我们将继续努力,引入更多的本地货币。 我们还增加了一系列新的付款方式: 欲知完整的最新支持货币和付款方式清单,请查阅Epic游戏商城常见问题。
Starting today players in the US and Canada will see a newEpic Games walletpayment option during checkout. The Epic Games wallet offers an option for players to load money directly into their Epic Games account, allowing for quick and easy payments via the launcher or web store when lo...
Following a September 2021 injunction, Apple was mandated to permit app developers to integrate links and buttons directing consumers to alternative payment methods for digital content. However, Epic Games, in a recent filing...
Apple and Epic Games' legal feud began in 2020 after Epic rolled outa direct-pay systeminto its popular free-to-play game, Fortnite. The new payment system resulted inlower V-Bucks pricesbefore Apple (and Google) banned Fortnite and Epic Games from its App Store for violating...
Recently Linus and Luke discussed on The Wan Show that Floatplane was not allowed to have its own payment system or link out but Apple is letting epic games do that? Why? How can they justify this? https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/13/21366259/epic-fortnite-vbucks-...
Shortly after Apple terminated Epic Games' developer account, the EU Commission launched a probe against the Cupertino-based company to see if there's any violation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). And a swift decision followed. In an X post, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney said that Appl...
Epic Games has alleged in a court filing that Apple hasn't complied with court orders, and must to more to allow developers to point users to subscriptions outside the App Store.