Epic Game Maker is a sandbox 2D platformer with a level editor. Make a game of your dreams and share your creations with other players. Play with your friends i…
Epic客户端旧版本: https://soft.3dmgame.com/down/289396.html (今晚十二点开始)《达喀尔沙漠拉力赛》(Dakar Desert Rally) 领取地址: https://store.epicgames.com/zh-CN/p/dakar-desert-rally Steam平台《死亡岛:激流终极版》领取地址: https://store.steampowered.com/app/383180/Dead_Island_Riptide_...
今天给大家介绍Humble Bundle的Unity游戏开发资源包 - 【Epic Game Worlds in Unity】。最多一档包含14件商品,最高折扣96% Off。 我每周分享游戏开发资源和有趣故事,求关注! 支持我的频道: ➤ 动动手,免费给up点赞或者一键三连 ➤ Steam游戏: 《山水画乡》抢先体验版已推出! https://store.steampowered....
在游戏行业,随着技术的进步,“无代码”研发工具成为吸引越来越多创作者入行的原因之一,从较早的RPG Maker、GameMaker,到侧重UGC的Crayta、GameSalad、Buildbox,再到腾讯推出的微信小游戏可视化制作工具,代码早已经不是创意的束缚。 在线游戏厅+UGC研发社区:Core要做下一个Roblox? 对于Core这个平台,Manticore Games的初衷...
Epic Games in February said that it would launch an Epic Games Store on the iPhone in the European Union, and today the company held an event at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) to provide additional information on the upcoming store debut and the fees that it will charge for apps dist...
原文:https://medium.com/building-the-metaverse/market-map-of-the-metaverse-8ae0cde89696 作者:Jon Radoff。Adventurer & entrepreneur. I fight for the game-maker. I like startups, digital culture, stories, software, crypto, cooking/wine, games and adventure. 题图来自Unsplash,基于CC0协议...
OtherMORE GAMES PLAYNOW! Mermaid Glitter .. Mermaid Glitter Cake Maker is a fashion-cooking game. If you like making desserts and mermaids, then this game is ... 29 PLAYNOW! Antistress – .. Antistress - Relaxation Box is a casual online game. Choose a character and a tool for hitting ...
The Walt Disney Co. has announced plans to make a $1.5 billion equity investment into Epic Games, which will give the entertainment giant an equity stake in the creator of theFortnitevideo game. Disney CEO Bob Iger, appearing on CNBC Wednesday afternoon, called the initiative Disney’s “bigg...
【内容摘要】苹果公司向上诉法官表示,视频游戏开发商Epic Games未能证明存在任何法律错误。所以不应推翻下级法院的认为App Store的关键政策不违反美国反垄断法的裁定。 Apple on Thursday told appellate judges that video game maker Epic ...
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