独立游戏发行公司Humble Games全员解雇 | Humble Games 03:01 【Lee哥】又来一个能打的! HB的豪华3D模型包 - Deluxe Dev Dream 3D Unreal & Unity Mega Bundle 03:57 【Lee哥】2000+模型! HB的城镇景观3D模型包 - Dekogon Townscape Essentials Bundle 01:56 【Lee哥】制作游戏美术! HB的用Blender创建游戏...
08 英伟达上次泄露的那些还有哪几个没消息来着 最终幻想战略版,最终幻想9,凯瑟琳完全版 ...
An Epic Games account is required to redeem a V-Bucks Card code. No. If you’ve missed out on some of those free releases, or you’re looking to get your hands on some of Epic Games’ Exclusives, worry not! It does not correspond to any user ID in your web application, and does ...
Gross revenue generated by Epic Games worldwide from 2018 to 2026 (in million U.S. dollars) Revenue in million U.S. dollars5,6285,6284,2214,2215,1005,1005,356.575,356.575,545.215,545.215,628.95,628.95,817.695,817.696,012.816,012.816,214.476,214.472018201920202021*2022*2023*2024*2025*2026* 01,...
Epic Games v. Apple ruling: iPhone-maker wins the antitrust lawsuit, but it must allow use of alternative in-app payment methods11 September 2021Both companies were engaged in a legal battle since last August.Sort by: Leanzazzy IWT 19 Dec 2023 Damn, this judge really is based. "...
Watch Epic Games' Mind-Blowing Unreal Engine 5.2 Photorealistic Tech Demo At this stage, we probably don't need to tell an audience of technology enthusiasts that Unreal Engine is capable of mind-blowing photorealistic visuals. Indeed, that's really not even what Epic's demo at GDC was all ...
Epic 表示,移动端 Epic Games Store 的相关条款和 PC 端相同。Epic 公司收取 12% 的佣金,开发者入驻 Epic Games Store 前 6 个月免收佣金,可以 100% 获得收益。Epic Games Store 将提供包括《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)在内的 Epic 自有内容,以及精选的第三方合作伙伴应用。该公司表示,将在今年晚些时候推出之前...
此官方《Aeterna Noctis》官方原聲帶以高品質收錄了遊戲中的所有配樂,包含超過 40 首獨具特色的曲目。 類型 冒險動作 特色 單人控制器支援 附加內容 CN¥37 Epic 獎勵 退款類型 可退款 開發者 Aeternum Game Studios 發行商 Aeternum Game Studios 上市日期 ...
《Troublemaker》是一款清版動作冒險遊戲,主題是每個人一生中最重要也/或最恐怖的一段經歷——高中生涯。玩家將扮演 Budi,在剛剛轉學到全印尼最好的高中這段期間,參與校內一年一度的學生格鬥賽「Raise Your Gang」,在校園的社交食物鏈中「力爭上游」。
This is the first collection of basic character expressions included in RPG Maker Unite's game templates. It includes 7 different expressions for each of the 23 characters. 類型 角色扮演 特色 單人 RPG Maker Unite Default Character Facial Expression Assets1 This is the first collection ...