作为对启用双重认证(2FA)保障您的 Epic Games 账户安全的奖励,您将在《Fortnite:大逃杀》中解锁放松一下 (Boogie Down) 的姿势。 如果您拥有《Fortnite:守护家园》,就还能获得以下物品: * 50 个武器库槽 * 10 个背包槽
在双重认证(2FA)提示页面,点击尝试用另一种方式登录。 选择输入您的双重认证备份代码。 输入您的 8 位备份代码 输入此安全码后,您就能登录帐户了。 如果您是因为更改了电话号码导致无法登录账户,那么可以参照这里的步骤,更新您账户上的电话号码信息。
不过官方最近宣布即日起至5月21日止,会定期要求启用双重认证(2FA),并以此作为于Epic Games Store上领取免费游戏的条件。为了鼓励玩家采取措施加强其Epic帐号安全性。 如果帐号未启用双重认证,在尝试领取免费游戏时,将看到下列讯息: “需要双重认证 必须为帐号设定双重认证,方能领取这款免费游戏。双重认证可为Epic Games...
Epic Games Support is here to help you with all of your account and Epic Games Store needs. Our customer service articles will resolve your issues.
Those people also don't have cell phones and probably don't have to worry about 2fa to initiate some financial transaction. Every one of those are products to improve the quality of life. Life went on without them. Reactions: bcortens and AppliedMicro T t...
Runnpm start USERNAME PASSWORD 0|1 2FA_SECRET* Instructions (config) Download/clone repo Runnpm install Editconfig.jsonto include your EpicGames credentials and options Runnpm start* *Only this step is required after the initial use. FAQ ...
Forum - Epic Games Forums 服務器: cloudflare IP: 城市: 未知搜索引擎收錄信息 Bing: 0 Google: 182頁面信息 標題: Forum - Epic Games Forums 長度: 33 字元; 最佳長度: 10 ~ 60 字元 Meta 關鍵詞: epic,games,fortnite,epicgames,download,launcher,login,store,activate,2fa 長度: 72 ...
Reset your password using the Epic Games password reset page or the account recovery page. Set a strong password for the email address linked to your Epic Games account. Enable 2FA on your Epic Games account to add an extra layer of security. ...
In order to avoid this, follow the steps here to enable 2FA on your account and configure the script to work with your 2FA secret. Finally, you may also want to jump into Free_Games.py and replace the user_agent variable (but you don't have to). There are instructions inside the ...
How to Enable 2FA in Fortnite 1. First, you’ll need to besigned in to your Epic Games account. 2. Once you’re logged in,open your Account Security Settings. The resulting screen should look something like the following image.